Where: Smiling Hogshead Ranch, 26 Davis Court, Long Island City, NY 11101 When: Sunday, April 14th 2013 from 9am-5pm Who: Farm Hack NYC Community, Green Phoenix Permaculture, The Newtown Creek Alliance Green Infrastructure Working Group, Urban Green Emerging Professionals What: Rain Water Harvesting Structure Community Build Why & How: Smiling Hogshead Ranch is entering into our third growing season in the city and it is high time we started irrigating with collected rainwater rather than water taken from the nearby fire hydrant. We are planning a community build day and would love for you to join us. This project is funded by a micro-grant from Citizens Committee for New York City. The design development has been done primarily by Emily Lindberg, who I met at Farm Hack NYC during the OurGoods presentation where the presenter encouraged us to meet someone and do something amazing together. Lenny Librizzi, of GrowNYC, had presented the prior day by on rainwater harvesting systems. We where both inspired and we had grant money to build one, so here we are. After meeting on site at Smiling Hogshead Ranch, developing some preliminary plans and hosting a smaller organizing meeting, Emily and I are now finalizing the plans, putting together the purchase order and calling for volunteers, especial those of you who can organize and teach volunteers around a specific task; possess construction skills; and/or own tools you can bring on build day.
Here is a list of tools we need. A primary limiting factor is our lack of electricity. If you can bring any of these on the day of please send us an email SmilingHogsheadRanchgmailcom Circular saws (battery operated please) Drills (battery operated please) Lots of fully charged power tool batteries Ladders (4 ideally, 2 ladders may work) Auger (planning to rent from Home Depot) Post hole diggers (just in case) Basic tools and supplies including gloves, hammer, tape measure, pencil etc.
Here is our supply list, if you know of a better substitute for these items or how to get any of the items listed for free or cheap please let us know, again by emailing SmilingHogsheadRanchgmailcom We will be scavenging at [Build It Green!] (http://www.bignyc.org/) before we make our order. STRUCTURE MATERIALS: (12) 4"X4" X 10’ pressure treated lumber posts (2) 4"X4" X 8’ pressure treated lumber post (30) 2"X6" X 8’ OR (15) 2"x6" x 16' lumber joists (12) 2"X10" X 10’ lumber beams (50) 5/4"x3" x 10’ lumber perlins (1) 25# box of 3" decking screws (5) Bags of rocks for footings (3) Genova 4-1/2-in White Vinyl Gutter (2) Raingo 4-1/2-in White Vinyl Gutter End Cap (1) Raingo 4-1/2-in White Vinyl Gutter Drop Outlet (30) Tuftex 96-in Clear Corrugated PVC Roof Panel (install instructions here: http://www.tallantinc.com/tuftex/residential.asp (6) Tuftex 5-Pack 1-in x 36-in Round Cross Link Polyethylene Exposed Fastener Closure Strips (10) boxes of 40: 1" sheet metal screws w/ attached neoprene washer (6) Clear Silicon sealant tubes
RAINBARREL ASSEMBLY (this is secondary to the actual collection structure, materials list still in development) (4') 1”’ sch40 PVC pipe (20) Gaskets for 1” pipes (3) gaskets for spigots (3) metal water spigots
DRIP IRRIGATION (an aspiration at this point) We have drip tape and most of our connectors but are in need of: 150' of large pipping similar to that used as a main line atop the Brooklyn Grange.
We would like for as many of you to join us as possible so we may split the day up into two shifts in order to have a manageable number of volunteers on site at one time and allow people the option of only spending half a day working at the Ranch. We are listing this community build event in various social media outlets: https://www.facebook.com/events/130836350425799/ http://www.nycpermaculture.info/events/110755312/