Hi there
Im a (now part time) farmer in the UK and just had my work canceled for January. If anyone is interested in a collaborator in a project im quite up for a volunteering to help someone make something fun and useful.
Im quite a good builder, can weld, got a basic sense of mechanics, can use sketchup and design things, and generally enjoy making things with other people. I'm really keen on DIY tool design and keen to take it further.
If anyone out there has a project that they need a hand with in January, then I would be up for making a big trip somewhere to help. I've got time to spare right now and it would be fun to get out of my little bubble and see what some other people are doing. In a ideal world I would like to try to make a belly mounted parallelogram weeding system for under a tractor, or a decent mesh roller/unfurler....or elongate a tractor so it can support more belly mounted tools...
Anyway, if anyone is interested please send/ PM me message.
All the best