Get Started

Farm Hack is a community of individuals and organizations coming together to develop and share tools of all kinds, in the name of open-source knowledge and resilient agricultural systems.


Join the Farm Hack conversation in the GOATech forums, follow us on Instagram, read our Blog, and watch the Farm Hack video.


Farm Hack Culture: What we are doing // Why we are doing it

Farm Hack looks for the overlap between food sovereignty and technological sovereignty. It is a community of collaborators interested in developing and sharing open-source tools for a resilient agriculture. We exist as a platform for community-based sharing and collaborative research. Individuals and organizations, non-profits and businesses alike are invited to participate.

Read more about our vision and principles on the Farm Hack Culture page.

How to get involved

Join the Farm Hack conversation in the GOATech forums, follow us on Instagram, and read our Blog.

We would love to hear your feedback about your experience with Farm Hack, and any thoughts or suggestions you have for the future of the project. Share with us at our survey.

Farm Hack is a participatory and cumulative project that is as strong as we make it together. Besides being an online space where people can document tools and other knowledge, we aim to foster in-person community events and spaces. Learn more about being an organizer, read our Event Guide, and plan a Farm Hack event.

The Farm Hack website

The website is currently undergoing maintenance and upgrades, and user functionality will be limited until it is complete. We anticipate the upgrades will be complete by the fall of 2024. Contact us if there is an activity that you would like to perform; otherwise, please use the GOATech forums for sharing conversation and ideas.

Tool Library

The Tool Library is where users document and share designs for their tools. You will be able to browse the archive of tools while the website undergoes maintenance.

Read the tool template wiki for suggestions on how to document your tools. Read some basic design principles.

Farm Hack Blog

The blog is a platform for sharing any and all news and information relevant to the Farm Hack community. It allows us to discuss not only the tools and collaborations that we are building, but why we are doing it - important cultural conversations that might be left out of the tool library. It draws both on original content and encourages content created by our organizational partners, users, and the wider world. The blog is a curated space for community publication. 

A great way to contribute to the cultural conversation is to submit content to be posted in the blog. Articles, user or tool profiles, stories, organizational profiles, or anything else that seems relevant are all fair game. Contact us with questions or ideas.

Event Calendar

Want to attend a Farm Hack event or meetup? Check out the Event Calendar to see upcoming events, or contact us to get your event added.