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Where to find cat II male adapters in Canada?

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Doing a search trying to find dealers in Canada that sell the male triangle hitch cat II. Any one help? I would be capable of building it but would need to know more about the latch.

Thanks for any help.

baruch77's picture

To understand how the latch works look at the quick hitches on the Land Pride website. Only the bottom links have a latch. The top just a hook. For Canada I suggest contacting the dealers. They should know of a source.

Reid_in_QC's picture

Landpride quick hitches are not the same design at all. The inverted U-frame style sold by Speeco and Landpride and others is often unpopular with folks who have tried to adopt it. I've never met anyone who really likes it though I frequently see one leaning up against a shed wall.

Reid_in_QC's picture

Sorry I didn't see this question when it was first posted.

Machineries Agricole St-Césaire (http://www.machineriesagricoles.com), tel. 450-469-4081 These guys stock factory-built male quick hitches from Poettinger at about $450 Cdn each.

I bought three of these last year to convert our fleet and have been extremely happy with the quality and functionality of the male hitches. The locking mechanism is safe, secure and easy to use, I think these hitches will still be working fine when I kick the bucket and I'm 37.

The folks at St-Cesaire speak German, French and English. You'll likely want to talk to Urs Hoechli or Franck the parts guy. Both are excellent. Also stock hydraulic top links, both good quality Walterscheid for bigger tractors and cheaper Indian Cat II units for around $300 each.