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A New(?) way to get excess heat out of a greenhouse, plus it recycles the heat.


A New(?) way to get excess heat out of a greenhouse, plus it recycles the heat. This is a trench type greenhouse, making good use of the 50 degree(10 degree c.) temperature of the soil 3 feet(1m.) down. Also, a removable double layered greenhouse panel of a new design is used.

meredith848's picture

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asxwnj3PpU4 Uploaded on Nov 30, 2010 Steven Schwen of Earthen Path Organic Farm (Lake City, Minnesota) has built an innovative greenhouse that allows him to extend his growing season while reducing energy costs. SARE's Farmer-Rancher Grants program provided critical assistance for Schwen in the beginning phases of his project.

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