I found two posts for "instructables" that required payment; thus they are an advertizement for that business. The uniquenes of farmhack is the possibility of community of sharing ínformation and also the possible sale of products: but not the sale of information. The growth of farmhack depends on the availability of free infomation, as a repository.
I suggest you to setup a rule that articles not be an advertizement for sales somewhere else.
Wishing you a wonder-full 2015
Adolfo Aquaculture in Santiago, Chile
I agree with this. @adolfo Can you point out where you found these links that required payment?
A cool project for Farm Hack would be to do nightly migrations from the Wiki to a Git repository on GitHub so that anyone could download the total sum knowledge of the community for free. The key being that the migration would transform the Wiki into a usable offline format like plain HTML or Markdown documents.