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Alcohol Fuel Crops and related equipment to make fuel grade Ethanol.

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2" reflux column, will make 195 proof fuel ethanol.

I started my interest in small scale farm ethanol several years ago, I am am currently involved with a project in Haiti to upgrade Ag practices and develop ethanol economies to raise the Haitian people from poverty and stop Deforestation. I am also co owner of the yahoo Alcoholfuel group, an on line list of over 2500 ethanol enthusiasts world wide.

I believe that this group has a lot to share with those who need to learn more about farming as to we who know how to produce fuel on our farms to eliminate the need for fossil fuels and to work toward sustainability. This is a test message to the group to see if there in interest in collaboration. We have recently developed a self paced online coarse in basic distillation which some of you may be interested in exploring. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/alcoholfuel/info. More info on Fermentation coarse upon request.

I look for lots of collaboration and sharing in the spirit of Open Source . We are share and grow people and look forward to working with like minded farmers and inovators like y'all.

Your Ethoholic Friend,

Tom Setchel