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11 years 10 months


Stream of Forum Topics

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My UPDATED homestead-info gateway Joel_BC Friday, November 17, 2017 - 12:31pm Friday, November 17, 2017 - 12:31pm 0
FarmHack smell the coffee?!!! Joel_BC Saturday, January 21, 2017 - 1:05pm Thursday, February 2, 2017 - 12:00pm 2
Dry-land tool: Land Imprinter Joel_BC Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 10:51am Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 10:51am 0
Ingenious homemade homestead device & equipment sites Joel_BC Friday, September 4, 2015 - 10:17pm Monday, March 6, 2017 - 8:38pm 5
Powered nutcracker design & how-to Joel_BC Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 2:29pm Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 2:29pm 0
Third-party "tools" posting? Joel_BC Friday, July 24, 2015 - 10:44am Monday, July 27, 2015 - 11:00pm 1
Possible to bring back the vid? Joel_BC Monday, April 27, 2015 - 7:13pm Thursday, May 7, 2015 - 9:15pm 3
Young Carpenters? Joel_BC Tuesday, December 23, 2014 - 6:18pm Sunday, January 18, 2015 - 6:28pm 1
FarmHack gatherings: pics or video? Joel_BC Monday, December 1, 2014 - 6:34pm Sunday, December 7, 2014 - 12:07pm 2
New post headings not showing Joel_BC Saturday, September 6, 2014 - 3:57pm Sunday, September 7, 2014 - 7:12pm 2

Stream of Forum Comments

Joel_BC's picture

Have you looked into what Marcin Jakubowski and associates are doing?  Here's a link:

It's truly a wide-ranging, radical undertaking of design, fabrication, proto-typing and testing. Much of it is food-production related equipment.  I believe there are some other websites connected with their work, so do some Googling on Marcin's name.

They may have affiliates in Canada by now, so contact them and ask.  Good luck.


Joel_BC's picture

Matt, in terms of contacts you'd wish to make, how wide a net are you casting?  Does it extend outside of Canada? beyond North America?

Besides Farm Hack, there are some other things I could point you toward.  One is based in France.

Looking forward to your reply (here, as a comment).

Joel_BC's picture

This is a great post!  Interesting conceptions & geometries to these varied solutions.  Glad to see this added to the FarmHack site.  Thanks.

Joel_BC's picture

Here's another one.  Videos by another interesting tinkerer...

I got onto his Youtube channel because somebody on a site I got to published this project by the guy, a homemade small tractor...

Joel_BC's picture

So, almost two weeks after I started this thread, I’ve decided to make a suggestion I think it’d be great if people posted some reports on how the field testing of various prototype equipment has actually worked out.  Thoughts about adequacy to task, and ideas for improvement, and pics or diagrams of further tweaks and actual improvements, etc.

Of course, if there are any videos of equipment prototypes actually functioning, links to these would be great to add.  I, for one, would like to watch them.

Joel_BC's picture

The site now has around 650 entries.  Check it out.

(See first post in this thread for description.)

Joel_BC's picture
<p> lonjevityfarms, nice looking prototype.&nbsp; There are several Youtube vids showing bed-shapers in action behind tractor-pulled tillers, and I'll link a couple here.&nbsp; This one is factory made.&nbsp;;t=0s</p> <p> This bed-shaper is homebuilt from dimensional lumber.&nbsp;</p> <p> lonjevityfarms, are you planning to post more?&nbsp; maybe a short vid?&nbsp; maybe sketches or plans?</p>
Joel_BC's picture

I was looking in on a discussion on HomesteadingToday a while back, and a tinkerer addressed the geared-reduction issue. This guy said he'd come up with a solution applicable to a number of projects: kitchen mixer motors/gear sets. Remember there are both the common rather puny ones for home kitchens, and heavier-duty ones made for commercial kitchens and even industry.  Advantages: variable speed controls, & solid gear reduction - and the guy said, also, easy to mount and use.  The guy said he got some sort of a "Mix Master'" from eBay for $25.

Remember, these are motors and reduction gears that are joined together - and that could be an advantage.  Otherwise, you'd be working out the specifics of mounting.  I must say I was shocked to see brand new gear-reduction boxes selling in the $500-1000 range.

Back to the HT guy and what he recommended: besides eBay, he recommended restaurant-supply providers (new & used equipment, often) - industrial cooking supply.

Another thing he mentioned that might possibly be adapted is an electric drill (think of h.d. half-inch-drive D-handled drills with lots of power, not cordless compact ones).  Again, will supply you with geared reducer sets/housings.  You'd have to work out the mounting.

Good luck.

Joel_BC's picture

For those interested in this topic, I just discovered this site, which goes deep into technicalities - Machine Builders Network:

Also, there are some very good Pinterest boards where people have posted illustrated links to web pages about specific relevant projects. But the way the Pinterest system works, you need to be registered to be able to scroll down and see what is on the boards. That doesn't mean you have to start your own boards - just be signed up.

(I've got a Pinterest Homesteading Methods & Equipment board, just because I wanted to start one, and I think it's a useful way of communicating. That's my personal take on Pinterest's potential.)

If people are interested in knowing about these boards, along the line of what I described in my OP on this thread, I'll post the URLs for them. So reply, if you are.

Joel_BC's picture

Hello to everybody. I'm in the southeast of British Columbia, in a mountain valley almost above Idaho. My little family has a bit over eight acres, and we've been here for years now. We've kept chickens in the past, and may keep them again - none right now. We've got a greenhouse and several veggie/berry garden patches, all organic. A few fruit trees and grape vines, too.

My wife is a professional artist and art instructor, and I've worked in various aspects of the publishing field, mostly for magazines and newspapers. In our early years on the land, I worked also in construction: acquired skills with carpentry, masonry, electrical wiring, plumbing, etc. I've got some small-engine skills, but it's only in the last six years or so that I've acquired welding skills.

Currently especially interested in what can be done with repurposing and upcycling of machine components, junk parts, cast-off household items, scrap materials (etc) in the design and building of useful structures and equipment. Interested in this especially re: the practicalities of food production, energy-production, energy-efficient buildings, etc.

Recourcefulness is always important, but maybe especially so during an economic time that is stagnant or contractive.

Joel_BC's picture

Baruch77, Instructables works for me. Maybe try it again. But I identified three that were not working (probably originally found too long ago now), and I believe I've properly corrected/updated those. Thanks for the two you've suggested.

Let's keep this going!

Joel_BC's picture

I'm sure the changes reflect and implement the best direction. If the video can be fit in again, someplace, then I think it can be valuable for some people (hence also for FarmHack).

Another thing that I miss are the icons indicating recent comments (their topic, and who made the comment). These used to be on the FarmHack home-page. On the "Conversations" page all I see on my browser is a list, and I find it somewhat harder to understand and find my way with it. Just my feeling... FWIW.

Joel_BC's picture

Hi. Good idea. The whole concept reminds me of the mobile machine shop J. Baldwin used to drive around. I saw it featured in a video called "Ecological Design: Inventing the Future".

Your list: Metal working tools

Mig Welder For hand welding, or use with the 3D printer Auto set Mig welder Oxy propane cutting kit For hand cutting metal, or with the CNC table Oxy-propane CNC cutting table For making accurate parts from sheet metal or plywood Opensource Cutting table 3D Metal printer For making metal parts, Opensource 3D metal printer Pipe bender - for bending pipes Pipe bender

I realize your list is preliminary and simply representative. Of course, there'd be all sorts of necessary hand tools (hammers, tongs, pliers, clamps, angle grinders, etc). But I thought I'd add a few essentials to the prelim list, based on my experience:

Bench grinder(s) mounted with broadly useful wheels Drill press Compressor Abrasive-disk metal cut-off saw

Joel_BC's picture

I don't know anything, really, about single-cylinder diesel engines, but I made a search on Google Images:

So, I got to wondering if second-hand (rebuilt or rebuild-able) diesel engines might be obtained for a modest investment. I don't know, but maybe somebody here on FH does.

Joel_BC's picture

Hi, Chris.

Yes, I think along the same line as Appropedia... I've been on that site many times.

Here's something I got going, along this line. It's on a fairly obscure web site, but has still had nearly 35,000 views by now...

I think there is great potential for fulfilling needs by using common or stock parts, used & repurposed components, plus ingenuity.

Joel_BC's picture

No 'comments' yet on this, but still would like to get some.

In the mean time, I found this on Youtube. Others of you who may be interested in this topic might find it interesting to watch. A 16-year-old boy builds tiny house on his parents' rural/suburban land: a link There's a part-two vid that shows the house functional sided, and finished to quite an extent.

Joel_BC's picture

Thanks for posting that calendar link to past events, Dorn. I've clicked quite a few (a cross-section) of those links.

Wish I had the computer/online know-how to go through all the calendar links and extract the portions relevant to my inquiry. I'd like to put together something that makes seeing the pictures and vids of machinery, devices and set-ups more user friendly.

But I've not forgotten that much along similar lines has been put into accessible form in the Tools section of Farm Hack - thus sharing information. And I applaud all those efforts.

Joel_BC's picture

You mention permaculture, and your desire to gain apprenticeship experience. I'm longtime into organics - not especially permaculture oriented, though I am to a degree and am learning more about it.

So I wanted to mention a good online place I've joined for getting lots of info about permaculture and it seems useful for finding volunteer apprenticeship opportunities.

Joel_BC's picture

You'll probably get a lot of response on this, since there really is a lot out there.

You may be familiar with Farm Run's videos, since that is an org or affiliation that's associated with Farm Hack...

I know that some research organizations in the organic-farm vein are posting both articles and vids on their sites, e.g. the Rodale Institute.

I might also recommend my Pinterest board, where among other things I've put descriptions of and links to good stuff, including good Youtube videos. Some of these are about different sorts of technologies for the low-capitalization farmer (as we have in the Tools section of Farm Hack): (Unfortunately, the people who run Pinterest have recently put a sort of dark visual barrier on the bottom of the screen (or so I see it on my browser), which is there until we log in as Pinterest members. Makes scrolling a bit irritating, though still possible. There may be some value, however, in becoming a Pinterest member, even if you don't want to start a board yourself. There are other good farm/homestead-related boards already on there.

Joel_BC's picture

They're showing again, now. Thanks. So you could delete this - and my original red-flag comment.

Joel_BC's picture

I thought I'd add something to the feedback I posted before. For non-video (but illustrated) guides, I think that by and large, may offer the best general model I've come across for online DIY maker's instruction.

For instance, have a look at these instructions for building a rocket mass home heater:
(scrolling down all the way through)

Joel_BC's picture

Yes, a guide would be good. A few sequential (clear) photos with a little commentary. (By the way, Pete, thanks for the reply.)

I see what the difficulty is with the axle attachments (hubs?) - being made in a machine shop. You say "it is a pain and precise". Do I assume you're talking there about the fabrication of these by the machinist? or possibly the fitting and welding of the axle attachments onto the frame/handle?

Probably not cost-effective to make a lot of extras and sell hubs by online order... I'm guessing you might not sell enough to make the fabrication and hassle of filling orders worthwhile, from your end.

Possibly illustrating your axle attachments with a photo and diagramatic sketch (with suggested dimensions) would enable someone to go to their friendly local machinist to have some made???

I'd like to see DIY concepts and designs like yours go somewhere in the real world, and I do know that some people are making use of Youtube to suggest the "how-to" best practices for a particular project.

MAKEzine (online) used to have a lot more detail-illustrated project how-to's than it seems to offer at present. These days, most articles have got just a few general pics with a bit of description or brief discussion - far less useful.

Joel_BC's picture

I've added some new bits - useful stuff for the homestead or small farm.

Don't forget, I want suggestions. So please pass relevant info & links my way. You can use this thread for that.

Joel_BC's picture

Did you by any chance photograph the fabrication stages? (a la

Due to possible accommodations and alterations along the path of actually going from plan to genuine prototype, it'd be great if people did that (photo'd and posted) here. Just a suggestion. :)

Joel_BC's picture

Hello, Andrew. Interesting area you're experimenting in.

I feel a little behind in understanding just what the current understanding is, regarding plant development and red or blue light. Your post implies that a certain amount is already known with reasonable confidence, when you wrote: "Usage of LEDs in indoor horticulture has grown substantially in the past year alone. However, the vast majority of commercial LEDs appear to simply try to replicate the features of a more traditonal lighting source rather than truly using the new medium to its potential. ... LEDs do indeed require far less energy in the long term and put off much less heat than traditional lighting sources but the true advantages have yet to be realized in my personal opinion."

Where (on the web) can we find abstracts of studies, or synopsis discussions, or video posts that communicate just what is currently known about the effects of portions of the spectrum (e.g., red or blue) on plant development? I've been disappointed in what my own Google searching has turned up.

Would you be kind enough to suggest a few links?

I wish you the best in your continued research.

Joel_BC's picture

Thanks, R.J. Glad you like it. I just started it within the last week.

When you say you've been following it: does this mean that you too are a registered Pinterest user? If so, let me know your user name on that system, as I'm sure I'd be interested in what you're pinning.

Joel_BC's picture

Re: my OP, above... I'll just add that the thread I mentioned (from Do-It-Yourself forum, in open forums) has attracted over 24,000 views now (and still climbing).

Please consider posting something about your relevant projects there. Include pics.

Joel_BC's picture

Dorn, thanks. Okay, my fault for not realizing that.

But could I make one small suggestion - which I feel would make the site slightly more user friendly?

Put a "Recent Posts" or "Newer Posts" button or list right on the Talk/Conversations page. The reason I suggest this is because some people who are expecially interested in dialogue with other members may have (as I did) bookmarked the "Conversations" page itself. So unlike on many other forums, here you can not simply go to the discussion page and find listings for the newest posts.

I appreciate your considering this idea, Dorn. Thanks again.

Joel_BC's picture

I'm interested in this.

You started building design version #2 on 08/21/13. Where are the links to pics & plans, and discussion of how the prototype has worked out in trials?

Joel_BC's picture

I participate on a lot of web forums. For FarmHack, I think danpluska's four forum categores would work well: - Farming Practices (plants, animals, land and people management) - Fabrication (equipment fab and maintenance, building fab and maintenance, metal work, machines and carpentry) - Electronics, from circuits to solar panels - Open-source, online collaboration, and Farm Hack website If the site were to become very active, then I could see breaking some of these four main topic areas down further. But for the present, these categories should make the forum easy to understand, easy to find threads on, and generally user-friendly.