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    Record Keeping and Profitability/Efficiency Analysis Tool

    Record Keeping and Profitability/Efficiency Analysis Tool

    This tool takes labor, materials, and sales data for each enterprise and automatically generates various reports to, among other things, compare the profitability of the users' enterprises and the efficiency of the users' methods.

    Vacuum Material Handler

    Vacuum Material Handler

    This material handler design, created at this year's Farm Hack in Davis, CA, consists of a vacuum system to lift grain from a truck into to hopper below the vacuum unit. The vacuum unit is located above the machine of intended use (a grain cleaner for example). Once the vacuum hopper fills up, the vacuum is turned off and then a gate at the bottom of the vacuum hopper is opened and the grain falls down into the hopper of the grain cleaner. Areas left for research include: vacuum type, vacuum hopper geometry, vacuum hose type, automatic shut-off to prevent vacuum motor overheating, and dust safety considering static electricity. Vacuum systems like these are currently used in wood production and water related industries.

    Farmer-Owned Distribution Network

    Farmer-Owned Distribution Network

    Proposals and betas for a POS and marketing tool for new farmers, to connect them to potential customers an give analytic tools to help them understand their market and improve on it. Hopefully to be implemented with a robust distribution and database system to cut down on many of the organizational tasks that can often bog down and even prohibit the startup phase for new farmers. FUNCTIONALITY OUTLINE: ordering functionality invoicing/billing packing lists inventory management

    Crop Planning Software

    Crop Planning Software

    Crop Planning Software helps to manage crop planning on intensive market farms. Create planting schedules, estimate yields, calculate seed needed and more. It is a free and open source software project for Mac, Windows and Linux.

    Encyclopedia of Practical Farm Knowledge

    Encyclopedia of Practical Farm Knowledge

    FARM KNOWLEDGE WIKI Based on a Complete Manual of Successful Farming Written by Recognized Authorities in All Parts of the Country; Based on Sound Principles and the Actual Experience of Real Farmers—“The Farmers Own Cyclopedia” Starting text for the wiki was published in 1922. The text was digitized and posted here for download for all who would like to contribute

    Horse Drawn Snowplow

    Horse Drawn Snowplow

    This is a snowplow built by Donn Hewes at the Northland Sheep Dairy.

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    A bulletproof, versatile, inexpensive bike trailer. For $20.

    Garlic Clove Separator

    Garlic Clove Separator

    A mechanical garlic bulb breaker/clove separator.

    Farm Item Locator

    Farm Item Locator

    Locates and tracks items in a defined area (several acres). Uses 3 or more "anchor points" to locate the position of any tag within the area defined by the anchor points. Tags must be low cost, but the anchor points can be $100+ each.



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.