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    Roll Top Greenhouse Bench

    Roll Top Greenhouse Bench

    In the winter and early spring, seedlings in the greenhouse need extra protection from frost. Bench heating systems can provide the necessary bottom heat but without covering the bench, much of the heat is lost. Farmers typically cover their benches with agricultural fabric, plastic, or both but putting this plastic on and taking it off daily is cumbersome and takes time. This roll top system enables one person to quickly cover or uncover the heated bench.

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    A "sweat box" style germination chamber built using readily available parts and a broken chest freezer. Early season germination can be inconsistent without a closely controlled environment for starting seeds. Commercial greenhouses use similar systems but the cost can be prohibitive for the small vegetable grower.

    Mobile Distillery

    Mobile Distillery

    A mobile distillery, spirit-making equipment direct to farm and forest.

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    RainCloud is a web connected irrigation system and application platform. RainCloud links computers and mobile devices to lawns, gardens and plants by combining automated water valves, soil moisture sensors, a wifi enabled programmable computer and custom web applications. Visit for more info.

    shipping container post-harvest shed/commercial kitchen

    shipping container post-harvest shed/commercial kitchen

    This project turns a 40' insulated shipping container into a fully operational post processing station and cold storage unit as well as a commercial kitchen for value added processing. This project can be built in under $10,000 and combines several readily available technologies such as solar-hot water systems and the cool-bot so that a farmer can process, add value and store produce from a small farm without needing to pull building permits or worry about long term tenure.

    Ground-Driven PTO Forecart converted from antique tractor

    Ground-Driven PTO Forecart converted from antique tractor

    This ground-driven PTO forecart is made out of a CASE VC tractor. We split the engine off of the rear end, and built the rear end up into a cart, adding a deck, tongues, a seat, and a railing. Generally, a forecart is used in between a team of draft horses and a piece of farm equipment and includes a place for the teamster to stand or sit while operating the machinery. For us at the Northland Sheep Dairy that means a 14 ft rotary tedder (tested and functional) but it could be used for many different PTO-driven pieces of equipment--perhaps even combines and balers. This project was undertaken at the Northland Sheep Dairy by Donn Hewes.

    Oilseed, Oil, Meal and Biodiesel Cost Calculator

    Oilseed, Oil, Meal and Biodiesel Cost Calculator

    The Oilseed Crop Production Cost and Profit Calculator is intended to allow farmers to assess potential costs and profits associated with oilseed production and conversion to oil, meal and biodiesel.

    "Folding Farm" Bike driven mobile produce trailer and display module

    "Folding Farm" Bike driven mobile produce trailer and display module

    "Folding Farm" is a bike towable and deployable produce delivery trailer. It was developed by the Sustainable Student Farm (SSF) and the Small Studio at the University of Illinois Urbana-Illinois. It has a tounge weight capacity of 500 lbs, which means a total towable payload of 300 lbs. It is used by the SSF to haul produce to a farm stand on the quad, an approximately 6 mile round trip. It folds down in transport, and then is deployable to look like the picture provided.

    Solar Powered Greenhouse Ventilation

    Solar Powered Greenhouse Ventilation

    This is the first phase of a project to build a solar-powered automated greenhouse ventilation system. Farmhack NYC will also host a meet-up design session for this project.

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    DIY Farm/Bike Trailer

    A bulletproof, versatile, inexpensive bike trailer. For $20.