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    Wise Orchard: smart urban garden and orchard irrigation timer

    Wise Orchard: smart urban garden and orchard irrigation timer Wise Orchard's Internet-connected irrigation valve automatically adjusts your plants' watering schedule so that they are always healthy and beautiful, using just the right amount of water by watching your local weather. You can install it in minutes, attaching it to your tap and hose to easily control and monitor your garden from your smartphone. You bring the hose, it does the rest. Wise Orchard pulls local weather data automatically from multiple weather forecast services and thousands of weather stations in order to create and adjust your personalized watering plan in real time. That, together with the information you provide on your plants and soil, helps it determine your watering needs in order to adjust the schedule automatically and provide you with tips on how to better take care of your plants.

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    I nicked it from the Louis Bolck Institue. I tried to find the copy right rules, but couldn't, so I expect an open source program to be open source. It might be usefull for some of you guys, or maybe some digital wizard who want's to write some more coding in order for it to be even more usefull (eg more application with this one program)

    SwitchBox Control

    SwitchBox Control

    Cell phone controlled switch for block heaters, fences or any electrical device!

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!

    Drip Line Installation Tool for Between Mature Crops

    Drip Line Installation Tool for Between Mature Crops

    Installing drip line late is a big pain in the butt and damaging to the plants, but it doesn't have to be. This ridiculously simple tool can be build with wood and bits that you have laying around your house or barn in a very short time. Once complete you will be able to install the drip line perfectly in place as fast as you can walk. All you do is attach the drip line to the back of the tool and roll it through the row causing little or no damage to your crop.

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    An Open Hardware Raised Bed Gardening Platform with Web-Interface through Arduino.

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    This was my thesis to get my Industrial Design Degree. It's a documental investigation, created to aproach people intersted is this theme. The guide can be read here

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    RainCloud is a web connected irrigation system and application platform. RainCloud links computers and mobile devices to lawns, gardens and plants by combining automated water valves, soil moisture sensors, a wifi enabled programmable computer and custom web applications. Visit for more info.

    Open Irrigation Controller System

    Open Irrigation Controller System

    The goal of this project is to create a wireless and networked irrigation control system for greenhouses. The end goal is to provide a user-interface (UI) from which a farmer could see a map of their nodes, monitor their sensor readings, actuate valves in real-time, develop a schedule, and implement logic in response to sensor readings.



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.