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    Hoop Chicken Trailer

    Hoop Chicken Trailer

    A simply constructed 28’ Hoop Chicken Trailer for up to 150 birds. It is designed to be light weight enough to be moved by a very small tractor or ATV and have easy access to food and water for several days and provide easy access to clean egg collection.

    Mobile solar powered electric fence

    Mobile solar powered electric fence

    I'm interested in others ideas and knowledge related to creating a mobile solar powered electric fence. This sketch represents my concept and the products available online costing less than $100. My goal is to allow two pigs the ability to graze small parcels of land similar to a chicken tractor.

    Mobile Mechanized Hops Harvester

    Mobile Mechanized Hops Harvester

    This mobile hops harvester was developed to bridge a gap for nascent Northeast US hops growers between hand picking and larger investment in a stationary harvester. It was developed by a team of farmers and brewers along with an agronomist and an engineer.

    Self Contained Mobile Biodiesel Processing Trailer

    Self Contained Mobile Biodiesel Processing Trailer

    The farm based self contained mobile biodiesel plant constructed by GreenStart is based on a common aluminum beverage trailer platform. The heat and power is provided by a 3 phase diesel generator coupled with a 10hp air compressor. Each functional component is designed to fit the standard beverage skid of 36" square which enables swapping of components. The shutter sides provide secure weatherproof environment for storage and transport. The low deck height also facilitates operation and maintenance from the ground level.