Food Solutions New England (FSNE) is a regional food systems learning-action network dedicated to advancing a sustainable New England food system. The FSNE network is organized around four interrelated activities:
A New England Food Vision, a bold vision that calls for our region to build the capacity to produce up to 70% of food that is produced in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner, that promotes health and is accessible by all New Englanders by 2060; New England state food planning initiatives; annual New England food summits and topical workshops; and related analysis, communication and visualization.
The UNH Sustainability Institute serves as the backbone organization for FSNE. Since its inception in 2006, FSNE has advanced its mission by linking a common agenda, shared measurement, continuous communication, and synergestic activities.
Great to meet you at Maker Faire as well Ryan. I really appreciate the work that you are doing and hope that we can help find more applications and cross pollination with other Farm Hack projects. It would be great if you are able to post a tool wiki about your product - I am happy to answer questions and help how ever I can. Drop me a private e-mail any time.