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FarmHack.net is a volunteer effort. - Farm Hack Web Committee Collection on Farm Hack's Hack Pad site to see our recent notes - Join the conversation on the Farm Hack Web Team email list on Google Groups - Kanban of Github Issue Queue on Waffle.io - Direct link to Issue Queue on Github - Planning board on Trello
How to'sChange the blog link on the front page
Step 1: Request "Volunteer" role for your user account that will get you additional permissions on the site. Come to the Thursday night Farm Hack Organizers call at 7pm EDT and someone will be there to add the volunteer role to your account.
Step 2: Go to http://farmhack.org/node/add/blog and fill out the form. Focus on Title, Image, and URL fields as they are the only ones that show up on the front page, the others are legacy from when the blog was on the front page.
If you want to edit a blog listing on the front page, go to http://farmhack.org/admin/content and then filter by type: blog. You'll see the post in the resulting list.
How to make a post in the conversations forum section of Farm Hack
There are more instructions and suggestions for formats and embedding content on the tool template wiki and on the Getting Started page