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Documentation Feedback

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Edixon and I have been working on writing up build instructions and drawings from our work on the culticycle and have posted them on the tool page above. We based most of our work off of the build instructions from tim (greentractorfarm), but have modified some things based on the tools and knowledge that we have. Does anybody have suggestions about how best to display both sets of build instructions. Is it helpful to have the instructions as a googledoc rather than as a word document on google drive so that collaborators can edit and change things in real time? Please comment with any ideas about how to improve this documentation or feel free to change things around on the page!

baruch77's picture

If you want others to be able to edit a document on google then someone needs to host a folder on their Drive and give permission for others to share and edit based on their email address. Probably the simplest way. Evernote subscribers can share documents also.