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cold weather/movability tips from southern sweden mathew Wednesday, June 20, 2012 - 5:50pm Wednesday, June 20, 2012 - 5:50pm 0

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mathew's picture

I'm in Portland and have a lot of equipment. I'd ove to connect to more agriculture folks who want to do NDVI or other photo trials in Oregon. I'd be up for doing something sooner, and trying to track a plot over the spring and summer.

mathew's picture

I'm in Portland and have a lot of equipment. I'd ove to connect to more agriculture folks who want to do NDVI or other photo trials in Oregon. I'd be up for doing something sooner, and trying to track a plot over the spring and summer.

mathew's picture

Melissa, I would start with using a large pole with a camera atop, especially for small fields. I just ordered a 36' carp fishing pole that collapses to 4' long.

I got it after testing a DIY 30' bamboo pole that was heavy and difficult to move around, but still produced some decent images: DIY pole photography is fun!

I work with Public Lab and have a big stock of kites and balloons too, and would love an excuse to to head out to Hood River. DM me on Twitter @headfullofair