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Food Security: Please Vote! ejsilva Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - 5:18pm Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - 5:18pm 0

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Hello, I am the son of almond and wine grape growers in the central valley of California. I am also a recent graduate of the University of California, Davis, where I studied international agricultural development. I currently work with the Sustainable AgTech Innovation Center (http://entrepreneurship.ucdavis.edu/agtech.php) within the UC Davis Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. I also started running a small market farm operation of vegetable in both in my home town and here in Davis. It is a small plot in each location, but promising. With regards to my job and my reasons for being on this site: I want to learn about innovative ways to make our agriculture a system worth sustaining. I think agriculture has a lot of work to do before any part of it can truly be considered "sustainable." But I am hopeful and optimistic, and these reasons have brought me to this site and I hope to interact and learn more from those here. Thank you.