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Stream of Forum Topics

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Agricultural Lending Library @ NOFAVT Hackathon dorn Saturday, February 15, 2014 - 4:31pm Friday, January 17, 2020 - 4:47am 3
Agricultural Lending Library @ NOFAVT Hackathon dorn Saturday, February 15, 2014 - 4:30pm Saturday, February 15, 2014 - 4:30pm 0
Agricultural Lending Library @ NOFAVT Hackathon dorn Saturday, February 15, 2014 - 4:30pm Saturday, February 15, 2014 - 4:30pm 0
Great use of Google Doc spreadsheet dorn Monday, January 6, 2014 - 11:16am Sunday, March 2, 2014 - 12:08pm 2
Outcomes from Triange Build Day dorn Friday, December 27, 2013 - 12:43am Friday, February 28, 2014 - 10:42am 3
Hack pad for build day dorn Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:13am Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:13am 0
Hack pad for build day dorn Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:12am Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:12am 0
Triangle hitch pre-planning dorn Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:10am Thursday, October 17, 2013 - 10:10am 0
Open Source tool landscape for big data dorn Monday, October 14, 2013 - 12:16pm Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 4:47pm 1
Farm Hack Davis California Nov 2013 dorn Monday, September 23, 2013 - 7:22pm Monday, September 23, 2013 - 7:22pm 0

Stream of Forum Comments

dorn's picture

Thanks for the suggestion!- I will add it to the tool wiki template instructions.

dorn's picture

Here is a sample wiki that shows how to embed an imgur images and albums inline with text

Here are instructions for embedding albums

Just follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Upload photos from your computer.

3. Be sure to select "Group images into an album".

4. Start the upload.

5. When all the images have been uploaded, you will be redirected to the album page.

6. Click on "Embed Album" - you'll be given a code to cut and paste. It looks something like this:

The xxxx is your album ID.

That's it. Your uploaded images should now appear within the post as a gallery.

dorn's picture

Thanks for posting. These are super helpful. Once they are posted we can also embed the models in our posts and use them for future tool postings.

The farmhack collection of other sketchup models is here

dorn's picture

Could you post your sketchup files to the 3d warehouse? I would be happy to add them to the Farm Hack collection already started.

dorn's picture

That would be great! Open office or Excel both work fine for me.

dorn's picture

I agree that a common "trunk" for farm practice record keeping is needed - that can have "branches" for all the various type of analysis that a farm might want to do along the way. As you mention it doesn't make sense to enter the same data in several systems throughout the year.

Other spreadsheet products might be considered too - Open office and google docs spreadsheets for example. Google docs/drive has a mobile interface that would make editing in the field fairly easy. There are now lots of mobile spreadsheets and mobile excel, - the question I suppose is integration.

I think that integration of enterprise analysis tools with the field planning and records keeping will become inevitable at some level - and in the future may be facilitated by farm hack tools like to auto populate fields or or provide an up to date visual reference to spreadsheet data without even getting into georeferenced images and GIS etc.

Here is a list of the related tools listed so far on Farm Hack out of UVM is also coming along for nutrient management analysis. It has a mobile interface and may become open source as it evolves.

dorn's picture

It might be interesting to start working on integration with some of the other enterprise tools listed on Farm Hack - a few I identified

GreenStart ( just had a recent meeting that recommended the expansion of the oilseed/biodiesel calculator to extend it to integrated small grain enterprises. I believe that this is something that we will be working on this year and would love to see integrated into
a feed ration calculator for milling/sprouting and mixing home grown grains for poultry, hog and bovine feed.

dorn's picture

Some more Photos from World Maker Faire 2013 - some taken with telescoping fibreglass pole from above since it was too gusty for kites and too windy for a balloon shot.

dorn's picture

Hi Joel

You can see the most recent web activity including forums, open shop and tool activity on the home page - just scroll down a bit to see the what is going on. The subscription function on tools and forum should alert you to new content by e-mail. Most of the recent activity has been in the tools section for example...

dorn's picture

This has been an item of considerable off-line dialog and the tech team and board is putting together a plan to both make it easier to get started and contribute, but also to make navigation and linkages between tools, events, people, organizations and related discussions be clearer and make more sense. We are all involved in building a prototype together for a better way to collaborate on open source projects - and all participation or lack of participation help tell a story about what is working and what needs to be revisited. I look forward to being able to bring these new features out to the community in the coming months. Thank you for your comments and contributions!

dorn's picture

It would be great to get a tool wiki posted for this tool!
It seems like a logical extension to some of the other environmental sensors that Apitronics is developing, along with the aerial imagery tools that are also evolving so rapidly

dorn's picture

It is a Japanese paper pot transplanter that was demonstrated at the Farm Hack Ithaca

Here is another video of it in action...

dorn's picture

I have been working with some of the folks at the Cornell Soil Health Lab on this. There has been some discussion about how to incorporate low cost indicators into the soil test. There are several options currently being explored. Dan Moebius Clune, who is now working on some of the new indicators for the Cornell soil health test ( ) just finished his doctorate looking at the exchange of nitrogen for energy that happens at the plant root level. The exchange is facilitated through the microryza community. He was focusing on the bean and corn interaction, but the microryza community is key in other legume non-legume exchanges. I know there is also work on how various cover crops effect this community positively or negatively - for example many of the brasicas like canola and mustard are very hard on microryza community. I certainly agree that understanding these systems are key to water management, root health, and resilient agriculture in general.

dorn's picture

Sounds similar to the straw bale raised bed technique. We tried it this year as a trial and it worked really well for some crops. We found that the nitrogen saturation with the high carbon content of the bales is pretty important. We are going to try a bit more on a field scale next year.

dorn's picture

There has been some discussion about applying some of this same technology to a scratchbuilt cultivating tractor which could incorporate the arduino based ardu-rover autopilot -

Some previous related forum posts for prone harvesters etc. are here

and there was a sketchup started about a universal electric tool carrier platform from the Ithaca Farm Hack which can be found here

dorn's picture

It WOULD be great to have a sketchup model of the layout. Enclosed is a link to some models that might be helpful to start. I expect if the 2D plans were posted someone would step up to model it...

1) a sketchup model of the standard shipping container

2) The link to the Farm hack sketchup model library with components that might be helpful

dorn's picture

RJ and I have started testing Hackpad as an additional tool for collaborative documentation. We may be able to integrate it directly into the Farm hack structure, but for now we can embed links to our documents and set permissions at the document level.

Here is a link to some introductory documents to test this concept with

dorn's picture

I have been meaning to get out to the Port City maker Space - amazing that we have to go to Queens to meet. We are also working on another NH event for next year with a whole bunch of partners that I would love to get you involved with. Drop me a personal e-mail and lets catch up in person soon.

dorn's picture

These diagrams are great and should get moved over to the fido or yet to be posted bee and hive tool wiki...

dorn's picture

Great to meet you at Maker Faire as well Ryan. I really appreciate the work that you are doing and hope that we can help find more applications and cross pollination with other Farm Hack projects. It would be great if you are able to post a tool wiki about your product - I am happy to answer questions and help how ever I can. Drop me a private e-mail any time.

dorn's picture

Sounds about right- post it and lets let the wiki process refine...

dorn's picture

Thanks Jeff for getting this thread started.
I hold the idea of mutually dependent independence as one of my core personal values. Through collaboration we can each have greater capacity to support our selves. There are so many skills and great thinking going on outside of the university and corporate structure, that has yet to organize. I think that almost every farm is already a research farm, testing new ideas and incorporating last year's observations into this years plans - however, most of the research isn't formal, published OR shared, and that there is tremendous potential, through collaboration, to gain from all the observations, successes and failures and to develop tools and research methods that are inexpensive, adaptive,open and easily accessible all. I also think that this type of adaptive, distributed tool and research method development are necessary in order to move from the centralized extractive model of production to a biologically based adaptive and regenerative model. Agriculture has a very special relationship to the stewardship of the environmental commons, so it seems quite right that the knowledge to best manage and improve the most fundamental of natural resources would also be held in the public domain.

I am also excited about Farm Hack because, from its very start, it has collaboratively emerged as a product of its own users- just as a blacksmith forges his own tools.

I see the emerging collaborative platform as being critical for taking the next steps in many of my own future projects and I look forward to helping to create Farm Hack into a way of working that we can all use to document, develop, design and build tools and standards and share our successes and failures. I know that I get more back for every effort that I put in, and that is key to achieving more mutually dependent independence.

dorn's picture
dorn's picture

A while ago I started a wiki that I think picks up on some of this. Perhaps we could start to document the features and use cases with it.

I think adding in the Apitronics detail is very exciting. I am working on a diagram and some mock screen shots to illustrate some possible interface ideas. Many of the soil health measures, like penetrometers, have digital readouts with integration to gps. The management data from crop treatments coupled with on the ground soil sampling with environmental monitoring(moisture, pH, temperature etc), aerial imagery and still images and spectral data combined would give a wealth of potential systems information both for management and research. I see this as the missing link for making imaging really useful too - see

In some sense, every farm is already a research farm, but an online data platform would enable the gathering of more data and facilitate sharing of this data to feed into decision support tools etc...

dorn's picture

It seems that lot of the work is getting these low cost spectrometers calibrated to plant tissue and soil sample analysis. The more robust version is only $40 -

this is a great way in to start developing open data sharing that is being discussed in this tool wiki

to start to develop calibration standards and assign some meaning to data coming out of this kind of technology.

There is also this sandboxed tool that tries to get at how to pull in this kind of data and make it useful to farmers and researchers alike.

Would be great to tie it into this kind of software too

dorn's picture

Hi Melissa, Welcome to Farm Hack! There is a lot of interest in using aircraft (and balloons and kites) to get aerial imagery for management and research purposes. There is an event in May in collaboration with public labs for the second year in a row focusing on how to best use open source imaging tools for agricultural purposes. More information can be found here

There is also a tool wiki to focus on the development and use of on farm imagery which I am sure you could add to as well -

Please feel free to edit and add to the wiki or starting some forum threads from the tool to kick off some more detailed discussion.

I am especially interested in the NDVI and spectrometry potential for rapid assessment of crop performance. There are some researchers here at UNH who are looking at using the spectrometer to get early warning of pests in orchards, and I am particularly interested in gathering data similar to what a Spad meter asses percent cover, identify species composition, and generate estimates of crop height.

I think that rapid data gathering is key to being able to implement adaptive farm management. Look forward to the dialog.

dorn's picture

Great to see your comments. The projected goal for "tools" postings is to get each one documented to the point that enough information is shared that the tool can be fabricated/reproduced by farmers where ever they are. The tool wikis should also contain whatever documentation that is needed to communicate how to effectively use the tool. This, of course, is a trajectory, but the power of the wiki is that it can be a repository and accumulate the documentation as goal of complete documentation is worked towards. You will notice that each tool also has related forums attached to it - please jump in with your comments, ideas, suggestions, requests for more documentation etc. Please also send along suggestions about how to make the web site easier to use etc.

You can find the tool template for submitting your own tools here

and a web posting instructional section here

dorn's picture

Welcome to farm hack! It would be great to see documentation for your reefer truck. The best way to do that would be to start a tool wiki for the project. You can then add documentation as you go, and folks can comment using the related forums attached to the wiki. The tool wiki template is here - and there are some instructions for the wiki here.

I think there will be a lot of interest in your project!

dorn's picture

If you build it - please post a tool wiki! Let the community know how it works. I think there is a real opportunity to fire these designs with a rocket style combustion unit.

I have heard from one grower that their oilseed press gets the soy heated enough that the extruded meal becomes digestible. He is using a Kern Kraft oilseed press.