
Primary tabs

danpaluska's picture


Member for
12 years 8 months


Stream of Forum Topics

In 50 characters or less... Posted by Post date Last comment Number of Comments # of Comments new to you
Tabling suggestions and volunteers for the Fair danpaluska Monday, August 26, 2013 - 2:55pm Monday, August 26, 2013 - 2:55pm 0
mixing your own feed, geese, hog, or rabbit? danpaluska Monday, June 25, 2012 - 8:56pm Monday, June 25, 2012 - 8:56pm 0
timelapse movie from famhack intervale/essex danpaluska Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - 2:48pm Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - 2:48pm 0
a timelapse movie from the 2012 RISD farmhack danpaluska Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 1:30pm Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 5:40pm 1
[fixed] Old Forum Links on http://www.youngfarmers.org/practical/farm-hack/ danpaluska Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 1:24pm Saturday, April 21, 2012 - 1:32pm 3

Stream of Forum Comments

danpaluska's picture

search rat terriers. and lots of other terrier breads will work as well. they are very good and diligent mice and rat control. generally un interested in vegetables too.

danpaluska's picture

interesting. worth consideration.

maybe four categories would be.
- Farming Practices (plants, animals, land and people management)
- Fabrication (equipment fab and maintenance, building fab and maintenance, metal work, machines and carpentry)
- Electronics, from circuits to solar panels
- Open-source, online collaboration, and Farm Hack website

i'm not sure what you meant when you said "FOUR amounts of tabs" does that mean 5 headings under each of the categories? or FOUR categories under each of the headings?

re: blog roll
i think a curated area is okay as long as it's clear it's curated. there is an uncurated area as well. ??


danpaluska's picture

this sounds great! if my schedule allows i will most definitely be there.

danpaluska's picture

re: sharing imperative vs the protection imperative- does the addition of this lawyer legal speak actually protect the [idea/group problem solving practice] or does it simply keep the legal machinery in business?
RE: downstream patents -
1. they can only protect their particular branch and the source point can always support more branches.
2. amount of time and money it takes to get a patent (>$10K). very few companies would add that on top of a unprotectable public domain base.

practical or damn fool idealistic? not sure but public domain feels better.

either way, the logic eventually falls apart under close enuff inspeckshun... ;)

danpaluska's picture

i choose the public domain. it is to me the most sincere expression of openness and admission that all good ideas are old ideas. the simple reality is that once set into the wind, the seeds will do as they please! replicate mutate iterate.

danpaluska's picture

i choose the public domain. it is to me the most sincere expression of openness and admission that all good ideas are old ideas. the simple reality is that once set into the wind, the seeds will do as they please! replicate mutate iterate.

danpaluska's picture

nice list, also dumpsters and local hardware stores. ;)

