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    Equipment Lending

    Equipment Lending

    Documentation and conversation around various equipment lending models.

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    A "sweat box" style germination chamber built using readily available parts and a broken chest freezer. Early season germination can be inconsistent without a closely controlled environment for starting seeds. Commercial greenhouses use similar systems but the cost can be prohibitive for the small vegetable grower.

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    This was my thesis to get my Industrial Design Degree. It's a documental investigation, created to aproach people intersted is this theme. The guide can be read here

    Passive water pump

    Passive water pump

    Wirtz pump, passive water pump. Paddle wheel pump on open water irrigation ditch fills elevated 500 gallon water tank which then gravity irrigates greenhouse.

    Water Filter Biochar Generation System

    Water Filter Biochar Generation System

    Fabricating a 200 L Biomass Gasifier for Making Enhanced Water Filter Biochar: The basics of biomass gasification: a low-cost, user-friendly and environmentally sustainable method for making good water filter char from agricultural and forestry residues. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,

    Multi-Barrier "Micro" Water Treatment System

    Multi-Barrier "Micro" Water Treatment System

    Constructing a Multi-Barrier Water Treatment System Using Local Materials: The basics of water treatment and targeted approaches for removing both biological and chemical threats to drinking water quality. Detailed instructions for building a ~ 2000 L/day community water system incorporating biologically active sand and (bio-)char filtration. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,

    Multi-Barrier "Nano" Water Treatment System

    Multi-Barrier "Nano" Water Treatment System

    Constructing a Portable Drinking Water Treatment Plant: A detailed guide for setting up a 300 L/day small drinking water treatment plant from inexpensive materials that can be carried on foot into remote locations and installed with filter media acquired/generated on-site. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,

    Drought Resiliance on the Small-Scale Farm

    Drought Resiliance on the Small-Scale Farm

    Initiated by the Farm Hack West Slope Colorado event, this tool navigates water supply and drought management challenges for small-scale farms in the Western US. The aim of this tool is to foster horizontal exchange of on-farm drought resiliency technique and innovation while preparing for changes in water scarcity and water politics in the West. (Photo by Anton Croos).

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    Cultivar's RainCloud

    RainCloud is a web connected irrigation system and application platform. RainCloud links computers and mobile devices to lawns, gardens and plants by combining automated water valves, soil moisture sensors, a wifi enabled programmable computer and custom web applications. Visit for more info.

    Sub-irrigated raised planter

    Sub-irrigated raised planter

    This concept is meant to provide consistent soil moisture levels to gardens with spotty or insufficient access to water. It take the idea of a sub-irrigated planter and applies it to an entire raised bed.