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    FarmBot is humanity's open-source automated precision farming machine. Similar to a 3D printer or CNC router, FarmBot uses an XYZ computer controlled gantry system to precisely position and use any tool or sensor applicable to growing plants such as seed injectors, watering nozzles, pH sensors, moisture meters, etc. Visit for more information and please use our forum and wiki for questions and feedback.

    Rocket-clave- A wood-fired autoclave

    Rocket-clave- A wood-fired autoclave

    The rocket-clave is a wood-fired autoclave. The rocket-clave was designed in order to reduce fossil-fuel consumption (specifically propane) in the production of edible and medicinal mushrooms.

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    An Open Hardware Raised Bed Gardening Platform with Web-Interface through Arduino.



    The biketraktor: ergonomic weed management, planting, harvesting and mechanical hoeing, row marking,...

    Dripwall Delta

    Dripwall Delta

    The Dripwall delta collects solar heat in a drip of water and transfers that heat under the soil to keep roots warmer. It is a season extender that lets you start seedlings a lot earlier and also the heat stored under the soil protects seedlings from night frost.

    WordPress SeedBank plugin

    WordPress SeedBank plugin

    An open source community model for the worldwide seed saving movement

    Equipment Lending

    Equipment Lending

    Documentation and conversation around various equipment lending models.

    Roll Top Greenhouse Bench

    Roll Top Greenhouse Bench

    In the winter and early spring, seedlings in the greenhouse need extra protection from frost. Bench heating systems can provide the necessary bottom heat but without covering the bench, much of the heat is lost. Farmers typically cover their benches with agricultural fabric, plastic, or both but putting this plastic on and taking it off daily is cumbersome and takes time. This roll top system enables one person to quickly cover or uncover the heated bench.

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    Sweat Box Germination Chamber

    A "sweat box" style germination chamber built using readily available parts and a broken chest freezer. Early season germination can be inconsistent without a closely controlled environment for starting seeds. Commercial greenhouses use similar systems but the cost can be prohibitive for the small vegetable grower.

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    This was my thesis to get my Industrial Design Degree. It's a documental investigation, created to aproach people intersted is this theme. The guide can be read here