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    Rover- Remote Electric Fence Switch by Text Message

    Rover- Remote Electric Fence Switch by Text Message

    Turn your electric fence on or off with a text message. Get text alerts of power failures (and thus fence outages). Find a short or a broken section of fence way out in the pasture? No need to walk all the way back to the barn to turn the fence off to fix it (nor to "grin and bear it" while you fix it); just a send a text and in a few seconds the fence will be safe to work on.

    Garlic Clove Separator

    Garlic Clove Separator

    A mechanical garlic bulb breaker/clove separator.

    Open Irrigation Controller System

    Open Irrigation Controller System

    The goal of this project is to create a wireless and networked irrigation control system for greenhouses. The end goal is to provide a user-interface (UI) from which a farmer could see a map of their nodes, monitor their sensor readings, actuate valves in real-time, develop a schedule, and implement logic in response to sensor readings.

    Prone Position Weeder/Harvester Workstation

    Prone Position Weeder/Harvester Workstation

    Field tool used for ergonomic harvest and weeding. Could be used also for transplanting or any ground-level "stoopwork"

    Farm Item Locator

    Farm Item Locator

    Locates and tracks items in a defined area (several acres). Uses 3 or more "anchor points" to locate the position of any tag within the area defined by the anchor points. Tags must be low cost, but the anchor points can be $100+ each.



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.

    IFARM (Imaging For Agricultural Research and Management)

    IFARM (Imaging For Agricultural Research and Management)

    Using low cost balloons, kites, UAVs etc. to create overhead, NDVI images, and spectroscopy for practical agricultural applications. IFARM (Imaging For Agricultural Research and Management)

    Tool Template Wiki

    Tool Template Wiki

    A Suggested Wiki Template to effectively document tools. Remember that documentation is the technology's DNA that enables it to be reproduced and adapt, evolve and hybridize with other technology. To add a new tool use the "+Tool" button at the upper left of the page.

    Solar-powered Chicken Tractor

    Solar-powered Chicken Tractor

    Solar-Powered Auto-Driving Chicken Tractor.