Conceptual scaled 'farmbot'

Tool Concept


Inspired by the farmbot and other open source ideas, this is a concept I've been thinking about and finally did a quick sketchup to better explain it to some friends. You'll get the idea, just take a look. Let me know if there are any collaborators in the Bay Area!
castlusion's picture
I have been working on automated tractors that are made for 30 inch rows with 18 inch walkways. So center to center on tires is 48 inch. Also not i used tires so that it need very little room to go side ways when going from one row to another. That last point was important for use in solar greenhouses.
rlk25's picture
I'd love to collaborate. I have tweaked the design a lot since this post.
Rudolf's picture
I'd like to help collaborate if possible. This style keeps coming up in my mind and seems to have a ton of possibilities in terms of fully or semi-automated field work. I have little to no experience with farming or programming, but I am good at building things. I've got a VERY small city plot in the works, but would love to build a small scale version to prove the concept and learn the programming aspect. For my more hobby-style setup I envision solar panels, batteries, and a drive motor on two or four wheels (think 2D farmbot on wheels). I'm curious where you are with the concept now.
Ilya Demin's picture
Hello! Is there anyone who develops this project? There is an partner who is interested in developing the solution while retaining the license (Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) .What is the degree of detail of the project at the moment? Also in Russia there are strong guys on the hinged equipment for Conceptual scaled 'farmbot'
svenlake's picture
Dear all, I am also very interesed into this project, because it might wind up changes for agroforestry and keyline disgn (regenerative agriculture) From Germany I also would like to support this project. I am good in project management, facilitating, general management, finance, organisational setup. Thank you for getting into touch.
Jono's picture
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