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    Bicycle Powered Fanning Mill

    Bicycle Powered Fanning Mill

    Complete plans for building a bicycle powered fanning mill. The fanning mill sorts, cleans, and grades seeds with two shaking screens and a winnowing tower. It is adjustable for all sorts of crops and operations. It can clean up to ten pounds per minute.

    Hackable 3D Printed Precision Seeder

    Hackable 3D Printed Precision Seeder

    Included you will find my original designs for a hackable mechanical 3D printed precision seeder that I created in order to make adjustments in sowing seeds in any which way. Currently it can sow most vegetable seeds based on a few generalized seed discs but these may be redesigned and 3D printed to the user's liking. I have also developed a seed counter as an add-on however it is still in development to try a more sensitive sensor to detect smaller seeds. All measurements are U.S. Customary values in inches and most of the assembly hardware can be found in most hardware stores. A parts list will soon be included.

    Cheap Electric Thresher???

    Cheap Electric Thresher???

    Don't get me wrong, I love all the bicycle powered tools being built but I was hoping to find something cheaper and easier. This led me to purchase a Sun Joe leaf Mulcher ( I plan on threshing oats, bell beans and tillage radish seed pods once they are bone dry. I think it has potential to do the trick.

    Pick A Carrot: Seed Search Website

    Pick A Carrot: Seed Search Website is a customized search engine for finding and purchasing seeds. Our website is designed for growers of all sizes to easily locate and compare dozens of seed catalogs in one easy search bar. For certified organic growers, who may struggle to find the varieties they want, our green "Search Organic Seeds" buttons allows you to search only certified seeds available.