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    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    The purpose of this tool is to provide a space to vermicompost a variety of waste ( animal manure, food scraps, or other organic waste) with worms and produce safe worm castings, a valuable resource. The worm castings can be utilized in a variety of ways on the farm or sold to other farms and gardeners.

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    This concept recycles a Truck Bed Liner. The tool produces a mid sized compost facility, and unlimited amounts of compost tea.

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    An Open Hardware Raised Bed Gardening Platform with Web-Interface through Arduino.