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Updated platform, added example data

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Hi everybody,

I just finished updating the tool to the new version of Google Sheets, and it's working like a dream now; it's much faster, some persistent bugs are resolved, and it even looks better. I also cleaned up some things under the hood to streamline it, and I added quite a bit of example distribution and CSA data to mess around with. I still want to add more labor data to the FarmLog sheet, but it's looking pretty good now. It's not too late to sign up to be a beta tester! illyblc@gmail.com


dorn's picture

I would love to try the newest version.
What about embedding the google doc in the tool - even if it is read only. You could then add a download link with a permissions layer like tool post

I think that might encourage use and feedback but also enable monitoring etc...

Bill's picture

That looks like a good way to do it. If you want to see the newest version, there is a link on the tool page. Also, it's https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bv4dCQZ7b4RdUZq0SyUMJK8x52l5Eq1LzSp-DIJOdQI/edit?usp=sharing Setting up a Google Form here seems like a good way to go, and maybe I can write a script to create copies for beta testers. I'll look into that. In the meantime, if you like what you see on the Farm Hack demo copy of the tool, I can send you your own copy.