Hello all.
This is my first post so I hope I'm posting in the appropriate forum. I'm a writer and write mostly for sustainability and small-scale farming audiences. My byline is Jereme Zimmerman but I also blog as RedHeadedYeti on Earthineer.com. I'm currently preparing an article on the Farm Hack movement and innovative farming tools in general for a new catalog / magazine (http://growers.co/). I've spoken with Dorn Cox, and have looked over the plans and photos of the no-till roller / crimper (http://rodaleinstitute.org/our-work/organic-no-till/no-till-rollercrimper-plans/). I have some photos of some interesting tools in my area (Kentucky) but am looking for hi-res (1MB or higher) photos and possibly plans for the roller/crimper and possibly other tools. The images on the roller/crimper's page are too small and I haven't found much of use through Creative Commons. If anyone knows of any CC photos I can access on the Web or has any available they would be willing to provide me, I would appreciate it. I would be happy to credit the person who took the photo.
I would also like this to serve as a general introduction. I know of some organizations and people in Kentucky who would be interested in putting on a Farm Hack event in 2016. Earthineer.com would like to become more involved with the FH movement as well. I'll plan on creating a FH wiki for Earthineer.
You might reach out to the Rodale Institute directly--I'll bet they could help you with photos.