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List of suppliers

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The following list can now be added to and edited here

larger farm type items, hydraulics, transmissions, wheels,bearings www.surpluscenter.com www.northerntool.com applied industrial

warehouse supply, shop tools, etc www.mcmaster.com www.Grainger.com www.msc-direct.com www.harborfreight.com craigslist

smaller mechanical parts www.smallparts.com www.wmberg.com www.sdp-si.com

electromechanical american science and surplus www.allelectronics.com

electronics www.adafruit.com www.sparkfun.com

Fasteners fastenal

General ebay Amazon

dorn's picture

If you have additional suppliers please add to the list in this forum

dorn's picture

Amazon and e-bay are often good places to look too.

R.J. Steinert's picture

Yay! Nice icon.

danpaluska's picture

nice list, also dumpsters and local hardware stores. ;)



GrantSchultz's picture

If you have the space to store materials, older implements at auctions go for $50-300 each in my area, full of thousands of pounds of quality steel, fasteners, U-bolts, and hydraulics.