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Here's a topic for everyone to place their notes in the comments :).
Join the conversation! The forum activity is now at! (link is external) We are working to cross pollinate our conversations. Document and share tools at farm hack and talk at GOAT! Also join GOAT riot (link is external) and introduce yourself and your projects!
Here's a topic for everyone to place their notes in the comments :).
Inspired by our conversations in this group and from past conversations on Fido I whipped up a few diagrams to show what I think might make sense as the logical progression of the architecture of a system where we incorporate predictive modeling into the management of a greenhouse. I'll write up more on this in an idea post on the Fido forum sometime soon.
These diagrams are great and should get moved over to the fido or yet to be posted bee and hive tool wiki...
where we incorporate predictive modeling into the management of a greenhouse. I'll write up more on this in an idea post on the Fido forum sometime soon.