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    John Howe Winnower and Thresher

    John Howe Winnower and Thresher

    These are plans and photos of the combination winnower and thresher designed by John Howe of Waterford, ME during the 2000s and 2010s.

    Autonomous tractor

    Autonomous tractor

    this diy autonomous tractor is currently functioning as a remote control electric tractor. the next stage will be to implement an RTK GPS guidance system, then after that to give it computer vision. My colleague, Paddy, is working to develop software and hardware designs to facilitate the emergence of an open source industry for farm robots, to make this emerging technology available to small farmers. The first video bellow is of his robot. My goal is to develop a machine that can use his open source farm robot control system in a vehicle that can completely replace the tractor work on the diversified market garden on which i work. The second video bellow is of the second test drive of the robot i am working on. It would be great to see a wide range of diy farm robots being built and tested, and to get a global community of farmers and engineers collaborating to try and compete with the giants of agricultural machinery for control of this emerging technology

    Collecting sensor data in FarmOS using GrovePi and Node-RED

    Collecting sensor data in FarmOS using GrovePi and Node-RED

    A simple way to collect data from sensors, like temperature and humidity and store it in FarmOS.

    Hoop Chicken Trailer

    Hoop Chicken Trailer

    A simply constructed 28’ Hoop Chicken Trailer for up to 150 birds. It is designed to be light weight enough to be moved by a very small tractor or ATV and have easy access to food and water for several days and provide easy access to clean egg collection.

    Poultry Plucker

    Poultry Plucker

    A table top poultry plucker for removing feathers on chickens, turkeys and other fowl. This was built mostly with salvaged materials, and can be put together quite simply - only one part required welding, and there are probably ways that you could modify the design to eliminate any metalworking.

    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    The purpose of this tool is to provide a space to vermicompost a variety of waste ( animal manure, food scraps, or other organic waste) with worms and produce safe worm castings, a valuable resource. The worm castings can be utilized in a variety of ways on the farm or sold to other farms and gardeners.

    Dehuller/Flour mill

    Dehuller/Flour mill

    Complete step by step plans for building a bicycle powered dehuller that is also convertible to a bicycle powered flour mill.

    Conceptual scaled 'farmbot'

    Conceptual scaled 'farmbot'

    Inspired by the farmbot and other open source ideas, this is a concept I've been thinking about and finally did a quick sketchup to better explain it to some friends. You'll get the idea, just take a look. Let me know if there are any collaborators in the Bay Area!

    Bicycle Powered Fanning Mill

    Bicycle Powered Fanning Mill

    Complete plans for building a bicycle powered fanning mill. The fanning mill sorts, cleans, and grades seeds with two shaking screens and a winnowing tower. It is adjustable for all sorts of crops and operations. It can clean up to ten pounds per minute.

    Bicycle Powered Thresher

    Bicycle Powered Thresher

    Complete instructions for making a bicycle powered thresher. Thresher works on various crops including dry beans, wheat, rice, rye, einkorn, and lupine. Threshes about one pound per minute. This is the first of three tools for small scale grain processing designed to allow small farms to dabble in grain. The other two tools are the bicycle powered fanning mill and the bicycle powered de-huller/flour mill.