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Farm Internet of Things Suite (RaspberryPi Based)
A suite of Farm Internet of things sensors organized around common farm use cases including but not limited to monitoring and management of Soil and Crop health, root cellar, greenhouse, walk-in cooler, compost pile, germination chamber, livestock fence and water, irrigation, bird control. This Suite of hardware fits within the FarmOS Farm Observatory system to manage parameters and alerts through a visual programming interface based on Scratch/Blockly.
small tractor cart trailer
small tractor cart trailer I bought this cultivator from an auction and paid R$1000 (US$350). Normally it goes for Us$1000 in brazil which is very expansive if you think about it. I started to look for a trailer and the prices were ridiculous high. U$1200. I decided to make my own trailer with bed tilt and brakes!

Community Compost Exchange
Incentivized Community Compost System
Pig Tractor/mobile Breeder sow pen
I came up with this SOW Tractor after giving some thought to the issue of having sows highly mobile, highly contained and safe healthy and happy. It also solves a problem I've seen in pasture management. If you'll notice alot of hay farmers get further and further from the feild edge every Cutting to avoid damaging their cutters. Running a pig tractor around your feild edges and pasture fringes allows you to make use of otherwise fallow ground harvest soft mass, legumes, and grasses improve sow health and cut down on actual feed inputs. This improves efficiency and effectiveness making it more cost effective to keep breeder sows herd and a boar. It also improves the ground was well.

Pastured Pig Hut from re-purposed materials
I wanted an easily moved mobile hut for my pastured Piggies. It needed to shed water, block wind, take the abuse but be light enough to handle. I came up with this repurpose idea. In our area of the country there's lots of decommissioned feed bins that end up being scrapped....I noticed this and felt I could repurpose a couple and get years of use from them while serving my Piggies well, and other critters possibly too.

Responsible Management of the Collateral Value of Your Land
Certainly, you would agree that if you left half of your fields unplanted year after year, you are under utilizing the value of your land. Yet most farmers are unaware of the fact that they are under utilizing the collateral value of their land for expanding their real estate holdings in a reliable and safe manner. This is an free educational tool that will broaden your mind and help to safeguard your family farm as a legacy for your children and grandchildren.


Croptracker is a crop and farm management software company focused on the fruit, vegetable, greenhouse, and specialty crops sectors. Croptracker helps producers and processors with labor tracking, traceability, spraying, harvest, packing, storage and shipping of their crops. Integrated sensors help growers measure micro-climate weather, and soil conditions, while RFID systems keep track of product automatically as it moves through the supply chain. Croptracker's powerful mobile farming apps help keep team members up to date and on the go. Farm, organic certification & food safety audits are painless, integrated pest management (IPM) is built in.
Bed Shaper
I built this bed shaper from an old 2 row cultivator purchased for $200 from craigslist. By adding disc hillers I could hill beds but still had to rake them before seeding or planting. I created this bed shaper from salvaged lumber. It has allowed me to fully shape the beds (sometimes with multiple passes depending on soil conditions) using the tractor. It took me only a few hours to build. For the time and money involved it is a vast improvement. It also acted as a practice build, as I would like to build a more permanent bed shaper from steel this following year. After one season of use the shaper has held up well, but I imagine it will start to deteriorate in a fairly short time given that I have no place to store it indoors. Materials: 1. Old culitvator (often on craigslist for very cheap) 2. U bolts- to attach shaper to cultivator 3. Disc Hiller (various suppliers on the internet. I purchased mine from Agrisupply. Cheap but the shanks have bent. Consider better quality hillers) 4. Scrap lumber: 2x4's, 2x6's 5. Lag Screws

solar electric tractor Sparky
Massey Harris Pacer converted to solar electris 48 V 10 hp (8 x 6 deep cycle batteries with 3 solar panels for a max of 750 W total). Electric over hydraulic 3 point hitch added. Implements: tool bar with various attachments for market gardening, disc and harrows, seeder, inverter for weedeater/chainsaw/buzzsaw for distant work/firewood, hayrake, hay inverter, potato planter/harvester, pulls full loads of hay, small platform for moving tools/fencing supplies etc. around farm. Sparky is in its 5th year of operation with virtually no problems.