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    Root Washer

    Root Washer

    An open-source root washer that can be built sturdily with NO WELDING. Thanks to SARE for helping make this project happen!

    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated greenhouse tables serve two main purpose on the small market garden veggie farm. First, it offers a place with a fairly constant temperature to ensure high germination rates. Not too unlike the Sweat Box Germination Chamber (, However, this tool allows us to continue growing the seedlings under optimal conditions until they get a bit stronger. Secondly, we can get some onion plants out to the greenhouse to free up room in our seedling room. We start onions and greenhouse tomatoes under lights in the basement, then move them out to the greenhouse when we are ready to start heating the greenhouse/nursery.

    Auto-fill High Output Temperature Controlled Humidifier

    Auto-fill High Output Temperature Controlled Humidifier

    This project turns a 5 gallon bucket into a high capacity (4 gal/day), automatic fill humidifier. The bucket serves as a reservoir for the water and also as a mounting platform for the parts required to operate the humidifier. Water heated to a know temperature will transfer a predictable amount of water vapor to an air stream of a known temperature and humidity (wet bulb temperature). We use this property to develop a highly controlled humidifier using a temperature control to sense water temperature and control the heater, tank deicer for heat, and a CPU fan for air flow. We also add a toilet fill valve to the assembly to allow for automatic fill of the humidifier. NOTE: Pictures shown from the first build do not include complete safety features including: electronics enclosure, GFCI protected circuit / outlet, and terminal covers. Please take care when wiring and using this design to ensure personnel and property protection.

    Water Wheel Transplanter

    Water Wheel Transplanter

    Makes it easy to plant seedlings quickly with minimum labor.

    Home built no-till seed drill

    Home built no-till seed drill

    This is my home built no-till seed drill I use for planting legume mix winter cover crop seed in our stone fruit orchard. It produces very uniform seed spacing and depth with minimal soil disturbance, allowing optimum germination in our dry farmed environment.

    Black Soldier Fly as a Feed Alternative for Aquaculture

    Black Soldier Fly as a Feed Alternative for Aquaculture

    Main Street Farms received a SARE Farmer grant for on-farm research of Black Soldier Flies larvae (BSFL) as an alternative food-source for aquaculture and livestock. We plan to raise and breed BSFL in a heated green house year-round to find the ratio of pounds of larvae to pounds of food waste can be produced in a given month. The larvae will be fed cafeteria food waste, coffee grounds, and compost from other areas of the farm.

    Drip tape winder/cleaner

    Drip tape winder/cleaner

    a drip tape winder that can rewind up to 500’ of drip tape onto a plastic core. The winder should be easily mounted on a harvest cart or loader. Install brushes on the winder to clean the tape as it is wound.



    A pedal powered tractor for cultivation and seeding, built from readily available lawn tractor, ATV, and bicycle parts. Speed is 3 - 4 mph depending on choice of gearing and pedaling speed. Better for operator's body, less soil compaction, no fuel use, cheaper than a tractor; easily adaptable to specific needs.

    Triangle quick-attach to 3 point hitch

    Triangle quick-attach to 3 point hitch

    This quick attach system enables more rapid and safer changing of implements than a standard three point hitch. The design also enables use of a standard three point hitch if the tractor side portion of the quick attach system is not installed.

    Cover Crop Roller

    Cover Crop Roller

    This tool is used to roll standing annual cover crops and crimp the stem to prevent regrowth and create a heavy mulch in place that can be planted through using no-till drills, planters and transplanters. This tool entry is based on the Rodale Institute's open source design, and updated by ADABIO