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Sweat Box Germination Chamber
A "sweat box" style germination chamber built using readily available parts and a broken chest freezer. Early season germination can be inconsistent without a closely controlled environment for starting seeds. Commercial greenhouses use similar systems but the cost can be prohibitive for the small vegetable grower.

Ndicea Nitrogen Management
I nicked it from the Louis Bolck Institue. I tried to find the copy right rules, but couldn't, so I expect an open source program to be open source. It might be useful for some of you guys, or maybe some digital wizard who want's to write some more coding in order for it to be even more useful (eg more application with this one program)
Agbuntu is a linux respin with applications preloaded for farmers.

Portable Chainsaw Holder- for field work
Portable Chainsaw Holder for in the field. This platform keeps your saw from moving around while you sharpen it. For directions, copy and paste this-

Waterer for rotational grazing
Easy to move, low cost watering system that reduces issues associated with fixed watering locations.
Remove the agitator on your "salad spinner" to allow for easier loading and more space. We can now more efficiently load, spin dry, and unload our baby kale, arugula, salad greens, etc.

Cold Storage Trailer
Portable cold room - using 10ft trailer, coolbot and air conditioner.
Solar Powered Lazy Weeder
A slow but efficient - and easy on the back - device for weeding vegetable beds of about 30 metres in length. Powered by a solar panel, the platform and weeder are slowly drawn along the bed by a winch turned by recycled materials found around the farm. Lazy transplanter in planning phase!

SEEDS: The Game
IOS, Droid, and Web-based app to teach sustainable farming and gardening techniques through games and social media. Real life challenges in coordination with local seed libraries, community gardens, farmers' markets, and cooperative extensions to document progress and unite farmers and gardeners through citizen science.

seedling plug dislodger
For anyone trying to efficiently get seedlings out of trays, this is a simple solution. Please see the following blog post: