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Solar powered off-grid pasture monitoring system with wifi access
This system was setup to allow me to monitor my bison in my fairly isolated ranch in southern Virginia from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. It is solar powered and connected to the Internet via a mobile broadband device. Images are captured every 1.5 minutes from two webcams connected to a Raspberry Pi computer. Every hour a Python script on the Raspberry Pi places the past hours photographs in a zip file, and sends it to me in an email.

Seeder Roller Generator for Jang seeders
This is a tool inspired by farmhack user, jellenbogen's custom Jang seeder rollers. It is an OpenSCAD script that lets the user set the seed well size, depth, shape, number and offset to generate a 3D printable model. It is intended to be used to generate custom seed rollers to suit your specific seed spacing and quantity requirements. Please see Documentation below.
Crop Hopper
The Crop Hopper is a zero turn lawn mower converted into a cultivation tractor. Its equipped with spinning weeders like a "Regi weeder" that are controlled by the operator's hands while steering with foot peddles. It also has hilling discs, rear tire sweeps and a high clearance compost/harvest cart. This machine is being developed to address the need for affordable precision cultivation equipment, especially on sloped and rough land.

Open Pipe Kit- Sensor Data Collector
A Pipe is a device that directs the flow of data from a sensor to the place of the Pipe owner's choosing. With Open Pipe Kit it's easy to build Pipes, even for folks who don't program. That means a Pipe will be in the places where you can't always be and you'll always know what is going on. You can send data to Google Sheets, Farm OS,, and many other places. Check out for guides on building your first pipes.

farmOS is a Drupal distribution and set of modules for farm management and record keeping on the web. The goal is to build a platform for farms of all types and sizes to manage their planning and record keeping in one place, available from anywhere over the internet. Official site and documentation: If you're interested in supporting the project, consider signing up for a hosted farmOS site through Farmier:
bicycle powered thresher,fan mill, and dehuller
Links below to the complete plans for bike powered tools for small scale grain processing; a thresher, a fan mill/winnower, and a dehuller/flour mill. The plans guide a farmer or a fabricator through step-by-step instructions using wood, metal, and scavenged bicycle parts. The cost of materials is $200 per machine and the machines process about 1# per minute for each process. In a well equipped garage/shop the machines can be built in 20-40 hours each.

livestock weigh scales
A cattle farmer occasionally needs to weigh his animals, but weigh scales for cattle are expensive to purchase for the small operator ($1,000 to $1,500 or more). This is an accurate electronic scale you can make yourself for about $500.
Tough inexpensive pastured pig waterer
Pigs are tough on equipment. This simple water system doesn't tip in a pasture situation, stays clean and prevents the pigs from disturbing the hose connection.

Root Washer
An open-source root washer that can be built sturdily with NO WELDING. Thanks to SARE for helping make this project happen!

Heated Greenhouse Table
Heated greenhouse tables serve two main purpose on the small market garden veggie farm. First, it offers a place with a fairly constant temperature to ensure high germination rates. Not too unlike the Sweat Box Germination Chamber (, However, this tool allows us to continue growing the seedlings under optimal conditions until they get a bit stronger. Secondly, we can get some onion plants out to the greenhouse to free up room in our seedling room. We start onions and greenhouse tomatoes under lights in the basement, then move them out to the greenhouse when we are ready to start heating the greenhouse/nursery.