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    Tractor or tool carrier for cultivating and harvesting

    Tractor or tool carrier for cultivating and harvesting

    The tractor I have designed has been in use for two years cultivating cutflower and garlic. I have some modifications I'd like to see and than create another one to sell to farmers. Also need sources to reduce cost of manufacturing and developing safety guidlines Listed is the tractor on our first run

    Inexpensive Variable Speed Control Using a Light Dimmer Switch

    Inexpensive Variable Speed Control Using a Light Dimmer Switch

    This tool uses a modern light dimming switch to provide variable speed control of a motor (fan, pump, etc.) It turns out these dimmers use silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR's) which allow for very nice voltage control, and hence speed control in motors common to farm applications. More on SCR here:

    Modular Hop Oast or Tray Drier for Herbs

    Modular Hop Oast or Tray Drier for Herbs

    This tool is a multiple tray drier that was developed for drying hops. It could be used for drying herbs and even fruits and vegetables as well. One of the key features of the drier is the use of multiple trays, which allow for separation of different crops or different varieties of the same crop. Additionally, it uses a PID controller for the heater that leads to very stable temperature control.



    Bike tractor used for weeding, planting, harvesting, hoeiing, marking rows,..

    Logging Arch, Dump Cart, and all-purpose Forecart for Draft Horses

    Logging Arch, Dump Cart, and all-purpose Forecart for Draft Horses

    This is a three-in-one tool designed and built by Donn Hewes at Northland Sheep Dairy in Marathon, NY. The dump portion is easily removable if the cart is being used either as a forecart or as a logging arch.

    Grain Dryer

    Grain Dryer

    This grain dryer is a very basic, inexpensive and efficient prototype. It is made out of an air vent, a tube, a rope and some tape. Find out how it works and how to build it here:

    roller crimper

    roller crimper

    Roller crimper developed by organic Latium region farmers (members of AIAB Lazio) together with CREA, a research center. It has been built, developed and tested in a participatory mode.

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    This concept recycles a Truck Bed Liner. The tool produces a mid sized compost facility, and unlimited amounts of compost tea.



    Solarization utilizes energy from the sun to kill weeds and grasses. Simply laying a sheet of clear plastic or a large piece of glass will eliminate weeds. This technique depends on strong sunlight, and works best under dry conditions. Sliding glass doors work well. We have experimented with black plastic and clear plastic.

    Long range wireless LoRa (15km) soil sensor network

    Long range wireless LoRa (15km) soil sensor network

    1) LoRaWan is a long range, low power network, an open source implementation of this
    2) Using this technology solar soil moisture sensors could report the state over long distances 3) Code is already written for Arduino, So just needs hacking for LoRa wan 4) There is a variety of hardware that could be used for this: The nodes could do all sorts of data reporting; water levels, item tracking etc