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    Aerial mapping rigs

    Aerial mapping rigs

    These lightweight rigs hold small cameras (e.g., Canon PowerShots) for lofting by kites or balloons. Vertical photos can be taken at intervals as the rig is moved around a property and high resolution orthophotos can be made by stitching together multiple photos. Normal and/or near infrared photos can be taken, and plant health indices such as NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) can be derived from the photos. Recent, high resolution aerial images can help in documenting land status, tracking changes, and making planning or management decisions. The rigs are designed to be 3D printed, and the 3D models are open source and available for free download on Thingiverse.

    Chicken Coop Sensor

    Chicken Coop Sensor

    This is a wireless, solar powered chicken coop sensor that measures ambient temperature and relative humidity inside of a chicken coop. It is made out of the internals of the soil/garden sensor that I posted here.

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    I nicked it from the Louis Bolck Institue. I tried to find the copy right rules, but couldn't, so I expect an open source program to be open source. It might be usefull for some of you guys, or maybe some digital wizard who want's to write some more coding in order for it to be even more usefull (eg more application with this one program)

    Portable Chainsaw Holder- for field work

    Portable Chainsaw Holder- for field work

    Portable Chainsaw Holder for in the field. This platform keeps your saw from moving around while you sharpen it. For directions, copy and paste this-



    Remove the agitator on your "salad spinner" to allow for easier loading and more space. We can now more efficiently load, spin dry, and unload our baby kale, arugula, salad greens, etc.

    SEEDS: The Game

    SEEDS: The Game

    IOS, Droid, and Web-based app to teach sustainable farming and gardening techniques through games and social media. Real life challenges in coordination with local seed libraries, community gardens, farmers' markets, and cooperative extensions to document progress and unite farmers and gardeners through citizen science.

    Grower Bot

    Grower Bot

    Growerbot creates open-source soil sensors and automated watering systems that make it easy for anyone to grow more with less work. Solar-powered, wirelessly-connected, and tightly coupled with software,



    Farmier is a farmOS hosting service. farmOS is an open source software package for managing a farm's plans and records. Features include Farm Area : Identify your working areas (fields, beds, greenhouses, etc) using point-and-click maps. Farm Crop : List and index the crops you're growing. Farm Log : Keep track of things you've been working on. Record keeping, in other words. Farm Livestock : Keep track of animals and their movements. Farm Equipment : Keep track of farm equipment and maintenance. Farm Soil : Keep track of soil tests and view the soil survey map overlays.

    Compost Sensor

    Compost Sensor

    Compost Sensor is an open source sensor system for monitoring and recording the temperature and moisture of active compost. It is for small scale commercial composting operations to help with quality control and the certification processes.

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Use salvaged windows and materials to construct a mini-greenhouse for season extension. These cold frames can be used to warm soil before planting directly in the ground, create a micro climate for seedlings and starts, overwinter dormant plants, and more.