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    farmOS Observation App

    farmOS Observation App

    The goal of this tool would be to have a very simple and focused native app for Android and iOS that can be used to quickly and easily record observation logs that are automatically synced to a farmOS site.

    Bike chopper

    Bike chopper

    Old bike made into a chopper

    Wise Orchard: smart urban garden and orchard irrigation timer

    Wise Orchard: smart urban garden and orchard irrigation timer Wise Orchard's Internet-connected irrigation valve automatically adjusts your plants' watering schedule so that they are always healthy and beautiful, using just the right amount of water by watching your local weather. You can install it in minutes, attaching it to your tap and hose to easily control and monitor your garden from your smartphone. You bring the hose, it does the rest. Wise Orchard pulls local weather data automatically from multiple weather forecast services and thousands of weather stations in order to create and adjust your personalized watering plan in real time. That, together with the information you provide on your plants and soil, helps it determine your watering needs in order to adjust the schedule automatically and provide you with tips on how to better take care of your plants.

    Fertilizer Manager

    Fertilizer Manager

    Learn how much organic fertilizer you need to apply to reach optimum yields with Fertilizer Manager

    DIY Bush Buddy gasification camp stove

    DIY Bush Buddy gasification camp stove

    An off the rack Bush Buddy wood stove costs $120. I put this together for under $10. A bush buddy is a wood burning gasification stove, meaning it burns the wood and the smoke. No fuel required to cook your dinner other than a small bundle of twigs.

    Wheeled Hand Tool System

    Wheeled Hand Tool System

    A completely reconfigurable hand tool which can: -Pry, pick, and clamp rocks and logs -Pull small trees, fence posts, and invasive plants -Carry 1100lbs of cargo -Move 1/8th cord of firewood at once -move plywood and long posts, trunks, and poles -Be used as a trailer which will attach to most small lawn tractors -People mover (Chaise Lounge)

    Soil Analysis Manager

    Soil Analysis Manager

    Learn how to maximize your local resources and keep track of your ‪soil.

    Muscle-powered rotary weed whacker

    Muscle-powered rotary weed whacker

    A rotary weed whacker using a linear-to-rotary power mechanism, as used in salad spinners and toy cars. I'm not a farmer but this seems like something which readers here could develop quickly; thanks for having me. I assembled this tool with an actual salad spinner mechanism, which does not provide enough rpm; but a higher-geared mechanism with a flywheel design might, I suspect, work. A few more details are at my reel mower blog, Thanks again.

    Stuff Hound social shopping network

    Stuff Hound social shopping network is a place on the web were growers and consumers can meet. Stuff the mascot is meant to be an Amazon for buying locally. The basic concept is this. If you have carrots for sale in Timbuktu Stuff Hound/Google is the place where consumers. Stuff Hound is where people can list stuff for sale. Consumers can search Google or Stuff Hound to find stuff locally. The idea is to connect consumers like myself with the products locally. Producers can list one or thousands of items. Each item gets its own web page which is indexed by Google and other search engines. Consumers can then see for example when the carrots in Timbuktu are ready, when, where and how much. Instead of wishy washy guessing producers and consumers can see the carrots are available today or at a farmers market or you name it. Stuffy takes the guesswork and driving around wasting time and energy searching for something that should be found instantly searching online. There are many power tools for both producers and shoppers featured at Stuff Hound. Producers with timely listings can opt into to taking orders and have them picked up at X, Y or Z location or have buddies/followers of stuff then alert those interested. For example people follow the carrots. When the carrots are ready an alert can be sent to the people interested. Shoppers can make lists of interests and shopping lists and head to the farm or seller location listed in the web page for each item. Check out the intro page at Any questions feel free to ask. NOTE: It's a free service unless someone needs me to list stuff for a fee.

    combine mods to handle weeds

    combine mods to handle weeds

    modifications done to jd3300 combine feeder housing and cylinder