Spray Table and Sink

Tool Concept
Functional Prototype


This is a sink that will also function as a spray table. It has an adjustable work height to accommodate users of different heights and different tasks and was designed to be used in conjunction with dunnage racks. It was designed and built for the Small Farms program at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center in Aurora, Oregon with a Clackamas Extension Innovation Grant.
Documentation Wiki: 

For a full description of the design features and construction please see the write up at http://www.joshvolk.com/?p=425

chriscallahanuvm's picture
Hi Josh, nice work. I'd love to see the more complete posts at your site (http://www.joshvolk.com/?p=425) with pictures. The pictures don't seem to be loading? -Chris (chris.callahan@uvm.edu)
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