Submitted by jellenbogen on Tue, 04/14/2015 - 4:17pm Tool Concept Stage: Ready to Build License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Description: Custom versions of seeder rollers for a Jang seeder. So far, the YX-24 and LJ-24 are adapted to become YX-48 and LJ-48 rollers to double the amount of seeds that are planted per revolution of the seeder wheel. Instead of alternating seeds one at a time on each side of the wheel, our wheel drops two seeds at a time. We also made the holes slightly deeper on the LJ-48. May 1, 2015 - Added the YX-80 for arugula seeds. 80 per revolution.Add new comment Documentation Image Gallery: Documentation Wiki: STLĀ files are available for download from Thingiverse at the links below.... YX48 - Custom Roller for Jang Seeder LJ48 - Custom Roller for Jang Seeder YX80 - Custom Roller for Jang Seeder Please let me know what you think and if you actually print and use the seeder wheels. We used the YX-48 to increase the density of our arugula planting and the LJ-48 for our beet seeds. Jeff Add new comment Skills Skills: 3D Modeling I like this tool up2 users have voted. I built (or modified) this tool up1 user has voted.