Cooler Inventory Tags

Tool Concept


quickly and easily inventory contents of walk-in cooler and identify harvest date for all produce in cooler.
Documentation Wiki: 

Device: Cooler Inventory Tags

Problem: Need to quickly and easily inventory contents of walk-in cooler and need to be able to identify harvest date for all produce in cooler

Solution: Make laminated tags which fit on outside of the reusable plastic pro- duce totes used to store freshly harvested produce. The tag is bent to fit be- tween two ribs on the tote and held in place by spring tension. The tags have the day printed on them and are laminated. The contents information is written with a dry-erase marker. When the tote is used, the tag is washed and re-used.

Impact: The washable and reusable tags simplify labeling of produce totes in the cooler and make it much easier to track cooler inventories. Having the harvest day printed on the tag makes First In First Out inventory management sim- ple

Contact: Andy Fellenz (farm hack user)

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