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  1. Bicycle Powered Fanning Mill
    Stage:  Ready to Build Video:    License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.   Description:  Complete plans for building a bicycle powered fanning mill. ...
  2. Bicycle Powered Thresher
      Description:  Complete instructions for making a bicycle powered thresher. ... to dabble in grain. The other two tools are the bicycle powered fanning mill and the bicycle powered de-huller/flour mill. Add new comment I don't suppose ...
  3. bicycle powered thresher,fan mill, and dehuller
    instructions using wood, metal, and scavenged bicycle parts. The cost ... The Thresher: ... and the PDF: ...
  4. Dehuller/Flour mill
    a bicycle powered dehuller that is also convertible to a bicycle powered flour ... to the bicycle PTO. The mill works better than my 1920s CS Bell. There is less ...
  5. culticycle
    built from readily available lawn tractor, ATV, and bicycle parts. Speed ... consisting of 2 bicycle front ends, 1 bicycle rear end, a small differential, ...
  6. bikecart
      Description:  bike cart and garden cart made out of salvaged bicycle parts Add new comment Tags:  bicycle bike based cart Image Gallery:     Documentation ...
  7. TricTrac- Tricycle Tractor
    is a pedal-powered tractor made from a modified bicycle which can be adapted ... bicycle tractor Image Gallery:     Attached Files:  2Dsketches.pdf TricTrac- ... in India. The frame is from a second had ladies' bicycle (adapted ...
  8. How to turn a bike into a seed pelletizer for use in gardening and restoration
    a bicycle-powered seed pelletizing machine that effectively coats seed in clay ... together. The bicycle spins a barrel containing the seeds and coating ... restoration seeding reseeding bike bicycle revegetation Attached Files:  ...
  9. Cheap Electric Thresher???
    Stage:  Concept   License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.   Description:  Don't get me wrong, I love all the bicycle powered tools being built ...
  10. Biketractor
    marking rows,.. Add new comment Tags:  weeding planting harvesting bicycle ...