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Water Wheel Transplanter
Makes it easy to plant seedlings quickly with minimum labor.

Triangle quick-attach to 3 point hitch
This quick attach system enables more rapid and safer changing of implements than a standard three point hitch. The design also enables use of a standard three point hitch if the tractor side portion of the quick attach system is not installed.

Cover Crop Roller
This tool is used to roll standing annual cover crops and crimp the stem to prevent regrowth and create a heavy mulch in place that can be planted through using no-till drills, planters and transplanters. This tool entry is based on the Rodale Institute's open source design, and updated by ADABIO
An Open-Source Strip-Till realised by students at UniLasalle Polytechnique Beauvais (France) with AgriLab and la chaire d'Agromachinisme et nouvelle technologie
Bed Shaper
I built this bed shaper from an old 2 row cultivator purchased for $200 from craigslist. By adding disc hillers I could hill beds but still had to rake them before seeding or planting. I created this bed shaper from salvaged lumber. It has allowed me to fully shape the beds (sometimes with multiple passes depending on soil conditions) using the tractor. It took me only a few hours to build. For the time and money involved it is a vast improvement. It also acted as a practice build, as I would like to build a more permanent bed shaper from steel this following year. After one season of use the shaper has held up well, but I imagine it will start to deteriorate in a fairly short time given that I have no place to store it indoors. Materials: 1. Old culitvator (often on craigslist for very cheap) 2. U bolts- to attach shaper to cultivator 3. Disc Hiller (various suppliers on the internet. I purchased mine from Agrisupply. Cheap but the shanks have bent. Consider better quality hillers) 4. Scrap lumber: 2x4's, 2x6's 5. Lag Screws

Fertile Landscapes Plow
Franck Chevallier has developed a open source subsoiler which is designed to be able to be built by local metal workers using readily available materials.
Bed lifter
Heavy Stirrup design using used municipal equipment cutting edge scrap...grader/plow blade. Requires a heavy frame to mount to 3-pt, and grader blade 'stirrup' must be specially welded to suit the high carbon alloy...usually 1070-1090 steel.

roller crimper
Roller crimper developed by organic Latium region farmers (members of AIAB Lazio) together with CREA, a research center. It has been built, developed and tested in a participatory mode.
Row/Bed Marker
The tool shown here is a row/bed marker that is rolled out before direct seeding or transplanting. There are two versions documented - a hand-pushed model and a rear tractor-mounted model. It's purpose is to quickly make a grid that marks row spacing (three rows in this version) as well as your desired in-row spacing (hand-pushed model marks every 4 inches, tractor-mounted model marks every 12 inches). The purpose of this tools to allow one to quickly seed and transplant on a grid for easy cultivation and harvesting. This system also facilitates in keeping track of yields / plants per bed.

Finger Weeder
Finger weeders are a cultivation tool which use ground driven, rubber, star shaped discs to disturb the soil very close to the cultivated crop. Their main advantage is their ability to reach in row weeds. They do not damage the cultivated crop because of the soft rubber which they are made of. They are best for transplanted or well-established crops because they can damage smaller crops.