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Biochar pyroliser
A piece of equipment for making biochar, a soil enhancer and carbon sequestration

Forest biochar rocket stove
Rocket stove designed to make biochar and provide heat for cooking and space heating

Water Filter Biochar Generation System
Fabricating a 200 L Biomass Gasifier for Making Enhanced Water Filter Biochar: The basics of biomass gasification: a low-cost, user-friendly and environmentally sustainable method for making good water filter char from agricultural and forestry residues. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,

Multi-Barrier "Nano" Water Treatment System
Constructing a Portable Drinking Water Treatment Plant: A detailed guide for setting up a 300 L/day small drinking water treatment plant from inexpensive materials that can be carried on foot into remote locations and installed with filter media acquired/generated on-site. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,

Multi-Barrier "Micro" Water Treatment System
Constructing a Multi-Barrier Water Treatment System Using Local Materials: The basics of water treatment and targeted approaches for removing both biological and chemical threats to drinking water quality. Detailed instructions for building a ~ 2000 L/day community water system incorporating biologically active sand and (bio-)char filtration. Open access handbook available from Aqueous Solutions,