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John Howe Winnower and Thresher
These are plans and photos of the combination winnower and thresher designed by John Howe of Waterford, ME during the 2000s and 2010s.

Bicycle Powered Thresher
Complete instructions for making a bicycle powered thresher. Thresher works on various crops including dry beans, wheat, rice, rye, einkorn, and lupine. Threshes about one pound per minute. This is the first of three tools for small scale grain processing designed to allow small farms to dabble in grain. The other two tools are the bicycle powered fanning mill and the bicycle powered de-huller/flour mill.
bicycle powered thresher,fan mill, and dehuller
Links below to the complete plans for bike powered tools for small scale grain processing; a thresher, a fan mill/winnower, and a dehuller/flour mill. The plans guide a farmer or a fabricator through step-by-step instructions using wood, metal, and scavenged bicycle parts. The cost of materials is $200 per machine and the machines process about 1# per minute for each process. In a well equipped garage/shop the machines can be built in 20-40 hours each.

Cheap Electric Thresher???
Don't get me wrong, I love all the bicycle powered tools being built but I was hoping to find something cheaper and easier. This led me to purchase a Sun Joe leaf Mulcher ( I plan on threshing oats, bell beans and tillage radish seed pods once they are bone dry. I think it has potential to do the trick.

Small Scale Threshing Machine
Small scale threshing machine manufactured in Turkey. Cleans small and large grains. Adjustable vibrating screens. Stationary operation. Runs off pto.
Small Scale Thresher
This small thresher was built mostly from scrap lumber and metal stock I could obtain in my local hardware store. I do not have a welder so used a threaded rod, lock washers, and nuts to assemble the threshing bars.