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    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    Flow-Through Vermicomposter

    The purpose of this tool is to provide a space to vermicompost a variety of waste ( animal manure, food scraps, or other organic waste) with worms and produce safe worm castings, a valuable resource. The worm castings can be utilized in a variety of ways on the farm or sold to other farms and gardeners.

    Urine Use as Fertilizer on the Home Scale

    Urine Use as Fertilizer on the Home Scale

    There is a long history of recycling of human urine as fertilizer. This document answers many of the questions that we are often asked about the use of urine as a fertilizer on the home-garden scale.

    Guide to Creating a Community- Scale Urine Diversion Program

    Guide to Creating a Community- Scale Urine Diversion Program

    This document describes the work of the Rich Earth Institute (Rich Earth) in detail, primarily to support those seeking to move this work forward in their own regions. We cover the process of starting up a community-scale urine diversion program (UD program) and key elements of its operation. Throughout the document we also reference the UD program Toolkit, where we have publicly made available a host of open source documents, presentations, and other materials to support those starting a UD program. Please do let us know if you start a UD program! We’d love to hear what happens, and assist if we can.

    Stackable flow-through Vericomposter

    Stackable flow-through Vericomposter

    A year ago I built some portable, stackable vericomposter boxes that have been successful in raising red worms in central NC through all seasons. This project shows that vericomposting can be effective in a small space, with inexpensive and/or free materials, from easily obtainable materials.

    Manure handling

    Manure handling

    Scissor action of two handles from excersiser clamp quantities of manure from ground and place in container. Works really well for horse and llama. Can handle a big shovels worth. Also used it for rock and pine cones.

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    Truck Bed Liner Compost Tea Collector

    This concept recycles a Truck Bed Liner. The tool produces a mid sized compost facility, and unlimited amounts of compost tea.

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    Ndicea Nitrogen Management

    I nicked it from the Louis Bolck Institue. I tried to find the copy right rules, but couldn't, so I expect an open source program to be open source. It might be useful for some of you guys, or maybe some digital wizard who want's to write some more coding in order for it to be even more useful (eg more application with this one program)

    High-tunnel bed and trellised crops sprayer

    High-tunnel bed and trellised crops sprayer

    A bed and trellised crop sprayer for high tunnel use which will improve the efficiency and efficacy for application of crop protectants and possibly foliar feeds and other liquid amendments.