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    Cover Crop Roller

    Cover Crop Roller

    This tool is used to roll standing annual cover crops and crimp the stem to prevent regrowth and create a heavy mulch in place that can be planted through using no-till drills, planters and transplanters. This tool entry is based on the Rodale Institute's open source design, and updated by ADABIO

    Seed Germination/Early Growth Chamber

    Seed Germination/Early Growth Chamber

    A seed germination chamber using a broken upright freezer. I got the idea from DGrover's "Sweat box" Germination Chamber: I added onto his design by adding lighting, air circulation, a heat source and temperature/humidity gauges. This is a functioning concept that is being tested right now, and there are still issues to work out. Such as preventing excessive temperature and humidity levels as well as other concerns. So far the expense is about $150 (not including cost of freezer), nominal compared with a manufactured growth chamber, thus enabling small farmers/gardeners the ability to reliably start quantities of seeds early and extend their season.

    Mobile solar powered electric fence

    Mobile solar powered electric fence

    I'm interested in others ideas and knowledge related to creating a mobile solar powered electric fence. This sketch represents my concept and the products available online costing less than $100. My goal is to allow two pigs the ability to graze small parcels of land similar to a chicken tractor.

    ultra simple dry grain/pellet feeder (food, wood and other pellets)

    ultra simple dry grain/pellet feeder (food, wood and other pellets)

    about a year ago I started to investigate automatic fish feeders for my aquaponics pilot plant. None of them suited me: too complicated, therefore too expensive: wormwheels, automatic belts, lots of wiring, etc... The simplest way to move dry goods over a horizontal or slightly downwards inclined short traject is by vibration. So yes, I used a (battery operated) sex toy for my experiments, and it works an absolute marvel. There are plenty cheap vibrator motors availanbe, so the mechanical part of the problem is solved. But I will have about 10 fish tanks or more in my project, and fish are best fed at night, and the feeding is best spread over time so as not to overcharge the biologic filtration system. Wireless automatisation is the step in which this community can help. While I am familiar with programming PLC's, I find solutions like the Arduino not accessible enough to the general public. I have seen simple wireless systems to program i.e. christmas lights around the house.

    Outside Air Exchange Control

    Outside Air Exchange Control

    This tool demonstrates the use of two thermostats to provide a control system for an air exchange fan that draws cold outside air in to cool a storage room for winter crops. The control essentially provides a differential temperature control which may also be applicable to other processes (curing, solar hot water, etc.)

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!

    The WiFi Farm Guide

    The WiFi Farm Guide

    Low cost farm wide WiFi to enable remote sensors and any other WiFi enabled device.

    laydown weeder

    laydown weeder

    Self driven laydown weeder. It runs on a 350 watts electric motor. It is geared down so top speed is around half a mile an hour, which is enough for weeding,( Most weeders don't go faster than a quarter mile an hour. ) and the advantage of gearing it down is its power. It weighs around 400 pounds and carries easily three adults of about 150 pounds each. The rechargeable batteries will last for three days on a full load.

    Rocket-clave- A wood-fired autoclave

    Rocket-clave- A wood-fired autoclave

    The rocket-clave is a wood-fired autoclave. The rocket-clave was designed in order to reduce fossil-fuel consumption (specifically propane) in the production of edible and medicinal mushrooms.

    Dripwall Delta

    Dripwall Delta

    The Dripwall delta collects solar heat in a drip of water and transfers that heat under the soil to keep roots warmer. It is a season extender that lets you start seedlings a lot earlier and also the heat stored under the soil protects seedlings from night frost.