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    Weed Weasel Electric Walking Tractor

    Weed Weasel Electric Walking Tractor

    Complete step-by-step plans for building this light electric walking tractor for cultivation and other tasks. Weeding, cultivation, blind cultivation, stale bedding, light tillage, and more with this one horsepower electric machine. Free Plans made possible by Northeast SARE Grant ONE18-324.

    Row/Bed Marker

    Row/Bed Marker

    The tool shown here is a row/bed marker that is rolled out before direct seeding or transplanting. There are two versions documented - a hand-pushed model and a rear tractor-mounted model. It's purpose is to quickly make a grid that marks row spacing (three rows in this version) as well as your desired in-row spacing (hand-pushed model marks every 4 inches, tractor-mounted model marks every 12 inches). The purpose of this tools to allow one to quickly seed and transplant on a grid for easy cultivation and harvesting. This system also facilitates in keeping track of yields / plants per bed.

    Finger Weeder

    Finger Weeder

    Finger weeders are a cultivation tool which use ground driven, rubber, star shaped discs to disturb the soil very close to the cultivated crop. Their main advantage is their ability to reach in row weeds. They do not damage the cultivated crop because of the soft rubber which they are made of. They are best for transplanted or well-established crops because they can damage smaller crops.

    Electric tractor conversion

    Electric tractor conversion

    There is already fantastic documentation of how to convert an Allis Chalmers model "G" tractor to run on an electric motor at This Farm Hack page serves as a repository for new information, modifications, add-ons, and useful advice on these conversions.