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    Cover Crop Roller

    Cover Crop Roller

    This tool is used to roll standing annual cover crops and crimp the stem to prevent regrowth and create a heavy mulch in place that can be planted through using no-till drills, planters and transplanters. This tool entry is based on the Rodale Institute's open source design, and updated by ADABIO

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!

    Equipment Lending

    Equipment Lending

    Documentation and conversation around various equipment lending models.

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    Guia de diseño para huertos Urbanos (Urban Agriculture Guide)

    This was my thesis to get my Industrial Design Degree. It's a documental investigation, created to aproach people intersted is this theme. The guide can be read here



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.