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    bicycle powered thresher,fan mill, and dehuller

    bicycle powered thresher,fan mill, and dehuller

    Links below to the complete plans for bike powered tools for small scale grain processing; a thresher, a fan mill/winnower, and a dehuller/flour mill. The plans guide a farmer or a fabricator through step-by-step instructions using wood, metal, and scavenged bicycle parts. The cost of materials is $200 per machine and the machines process about 1# per minute for each process. In a well equipped garage/shop the machines can be built in 20-40 hours each.

    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated greenhouse tables serve two main purpose on the small market garden veggie farm. First, it offers a place with a fairly constant temperature to ensure high germination rates. Not too unlike the Sweat Box Germination Chamber (, However, this tool allows us to continue growing the seedlings under optimal conditions until they get a bit stronger. Secondly, we can get some onion plants out to the greenhouse to free up room in our seedling room. We start onions and greenhouse tomatoes under lights in the basement, then move them out to the greenhouse when we are ready to start heating the greenhouse/nursery.

    Low-cost mobile hoop house

    Low-cost mobile hoop house

    Moveable 16' X 48' Hoop house compatible with year-round vegetable growing rotations as described in "The Four Season Harvest" and elsewhere that is large enough to be useful but small enough to be constructed on farm with basic tools and easily sourced materials. Hoop house uses multiple independent wheel assemblies during moves that enable one or two persons to move the house manually.

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Use salvaged windows and materials to construct a mini-greenhouse for season extension. These cold frames can be used to warm soil before planting directly in the ground, create a micro climate for seedlings and starts, overwinter dormant plants, and more.

    Sweet Box Germination Chamber V2.0

    Sweet Box Germination Chamber V2.0

    A "sweat box" style germination chamber built using readily available parts and a broken chest freezer that provides humidity and temperature control. Early season germination can be inconsistent without a closely controlled environment for starting seeds. Commercial greenhouses use similar systems but the cost can be prohibitive for the small vegetable grower. This is a branch of the first version posted to Farm Hack (

    Seed Germination/Early Growth Chamber

    Seed Germination/Early Growth Chamber

    A seed germination chamber using a broken upright freezer. I got the idea from DGrover's "Sweat box" Germination Chamber: I added onto his design by adding lighting, air circulation, a heat source and temperature/humidity gauges. This is a functioning concept that is being tested right now, and there are still issues to work out. Such as preventing excessive temperature and humidity levels as well as other concerns. So far the expense is about $150 (not including cost of freezer), nominal compared with a manufactured growth chamber, thus enabling small farmers/gardeners the ability to reliably start quantities of seeds early and extend their season.

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!

    Poly Tunnel/Hoop House Wall Support

    Poly Tunnel/Hoop House Wall Support

    This solution is the most simple, effective, and inexpensive way to raise and lower your poly tunnel walls.

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    Horto domi- RobotGardener

    An Open Hardware Raised Bed Gardening Platform with Web-Interface through Arduino.

    Dripwall Delta

    Dripwall Delta

    The Dripwall delta collects solar heat in a drip of water and transfers that heat under the soil to keep roots warmer. It is a season extender that lets you start seedlings a lot earlier and also the heat stored under the soil protects seedlings from night frost.