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    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated Greenhouse Table

    Heated greenhouse tables serve two main purpose on the small market garden veggie farm. First, it offers a place with a fairly constant temperature to ensure high germination rates. Not too unlike the Sweat Box Germination Chamber (, However, this tool allows us to continue growing the seedlings under optimal conditions until they get a bit stronger. Secondly, we can get some onion plants out to the greenhouse to free up room in our seedling room. We start onions and greenhouse tomatoes under lights in the basement, then move them out to the greenhouse when we are ready to start heating the greenhouse/nursery.

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Cold Frame with Recycled Windows

    Use salvaged windows and materials to construct a mini-greenhouse for season extension. These cold frames can be used to warm soil before planting directly in the ground, create a micro climate for seedlings and starts, overwinter dormant plants, and more.

    Organizers Call

    Organizers Call

    An organizational tool for connecting folks working remotely from a number of locations. Regular google hangouts. Ask to be invited to join us!



    This is a list of books that people have found useful in running a farm. Typically How-To or books explaining tools and techniques.